5 Incredible Product Management Portfolios – And How to Create Your Own (Content Princess – SEO)

If you’re hoping to get into product management, your portfolio will be crucial. We’re going to look at 5 great product manager websites online and think about what makes them so good.

A huge number of product managers have websites detailing their experience and showcasing their management skills through their resume. Here are just five of them.

Juan J. Ramirezhttp://whoisjuan.github.io

The projects included in this portfolio showcase a range of different skills with a strong focus on the software and design aspects of project management. Links to case studies on Mr Ramirez’s Medium page are also great, as they give a clearer picture of how he approaches projects.

Taylor McCaslin- https://www.taylormccaslin.com/portfolio/

By giving each project in his portfolio a category (e.g. web, mobile, talks, etc.), Mr McCaslin demonstrates a range of project management skills, including communication with consumersand design. He includes a description or a more detailed case study for each item and explains exactly how he used his skills as part of the project.

David Parelli – http://www.davidparrelli.com

The ‘Selected Work’ aspect of this product management portfolio may be relatively brief but it still clearly demonstrates Mr Parelli’s strong design skills and consumer focus. He also uses his resume to show that he is continually adding to his skill set.

Emily Ingram- http://emilyingram.com

With a thorough list of the products she has managed and her specific tasks in each, Ms Ingram shows that her skills cover business, communication and marketing, amongst others. She then emphasises these in her ‘Skills and Strengths’ section.

Martin Eriksson- http://martineriksson.com/portfolio/

In his portfolio, Mr Eriksson is clear about how his contribution to the products he manages has helped each of them to grow. It is particularly clear that he has strong business skills. Also, his blog is housed on the same website and the posts he includes help to clarify his approach to product management.

Building your portfolio

The five sites we have looked at so far have shown that successful product managers can and do fulfil different roles and make use of different skills. While you’re developing your product management portfolio, you should aim to show experience of several different product management roles.

Product managers are often said to fall into different categories. The descriptions vary, but there seem to be about four major groups.

Engineering-focused – They usually have a background in software engineering and are very focused on the performance of the product. Their skills are of most use on products that need to be very nuanced.

Business-focused – They are great if you need to market your product in a competitive sector. They can work well with other businesses and are very useful in projects that rely on partnerships.

Consumer-focused – With less knowledge of the software and design aspects of product management, these are strongest when it comes to understanding and building relationships with the product’s consumers.

Design-focused – They are focused on the design and functionality of the product. They are most useful in perfecting a product that needs to deliver a fantastic user experience.

While your background and skills are likely to lead you in a specific direction, it is useful to demonstrate that you have experience of several different product management roles. This will make your portfolio seem more rounded than if it only shows a more narrow skill set.

The other advantage of having a range of experience in your product management portfolio is that it will make you more aware of your skills and strengths. Armed with this awareness, you will be able to choose your niche and take your product management career to the next level.

Primary Keyword: product management

Variants:, product management experience, product management role, product management portfolio,  product management skills,  approach to product management,  product management career

Synonyms/ Antonyms: product manager, resume, work experience, versatility, narrow skill set, product manager website, product manager skills, product manager resume













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