IVF Could Be the Way to Go (Content Princess – SEO)

One theory suggests that IVF will be the first choice for older couples wishing to start a family in the future.  It is true that assisted reproduction technology has grown since its inception in 1981 in the United States.  Experts say that it should remain the last choice for all couples.  Several implications should be considered before going down this road.

An Australian Theory

Two vets from Australia have indicated that over the next 5 to 10 years, older couples will access In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) over natural conception.  They suggest that test tube embryo production in cattle is 100 times more effectual than the natural way of having calves. 

According to this theory, there are problems with natural fertilisation. These are not experienced when a single sperm is injected into an egg.  Future success rates will make assisted reproduction the way to go.

Critics of this research have argued that people cannot be compared to cattle.  Humans are impelled to form multi-faceted societies composed of families and couples.

IVF is a Popular Alternative

When natural methods fail, more and more couples have turned to technology.  Since 1981 the use of assisted reproductive technology, primarily IVF has increased.  The number of fertility clinics offering this technology has grown to meet the demand. 

The latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, show that assisted reproduction technology is a satisfactory alternative.  In 2013, nearly 68,000 reported live births accounted for 1.5{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of all infants born.

IVF – Under Consideration

Couples who are unable to conceive naturally consider IVF as a viable alternative.  Improvements have resulted in a safer method of conception.  The risky issue of multiple births – three babies or more, has been eliminated.

Society’s attitudes have changed for wider acceptance of the reproductive technology.  However, religious objections can result in some couples choosing fertility drugs alone.  There is also the cost factor.  A single cycle can cost around $12,500.

Ovaries can be overstimulated, and sometimes this can be dangerous.  In rare cases, it can cause the heart to stop.  In 2005, a woman in London died from this condition.  There is also a small risk of ectopic pregnancy where the embryo embeds in the fallopian tube rather than the womb.  This situation is can also be life threatening.

On the positive side, half of all couples using IVF can achieve pregnancy in one treatment cycle.

An Alternative Way to Start Your Family

You are tired of spending money and not getting results.  You can go down the road of egg and embryo donor IVF.  Donor eggs are used in 11{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of all assisted techniques.  This procedure is becoming more customary especially among women over 40.  Women choosing fresh embryos (not frozen) have a 43.4{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} probability of getting pregnant during each cycle.

Invitro or egg donor IVF will never entirely replace natural childbirth.  For some couples, there is no alternative if they wish to start a family.  Possibly, in the future adoption will become more accessible and more attractive as an alternative.

Primary Keyword – IVF

Secondary Keywords – reproduction technology, natural fertilisation, embryo, multiple births, fertility drugs, ectopic pregnancy, natural childbirth, egg and embryo donor IVF, reproduction techniques.




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