Six Cool Ways to Ditch Leather (Rank Princess – SEO)

Organic accessories are becoming a new lifestyle. More and more people are shunning products manufactured unethically or cruelly. It started with Vegan diets, which had its roots in the grave matter of animal cruelty. Then the ghastly truth about blood diamonds was revealed, leading to further more pressure. Now it’s finally shoes, belts, and bags.

The world now consists of two types of people. Individuals who have changed with sincerity and raised their voices against sweatshops, natural resources’ exploitation, deforestation, pollution and various other global issues. The others, well you know they are surfing Pinterest & Instagram sharing the same.

It was because of the efforts of the former that brands are now becoming conscious of their customers’ preferences. Brands have taken up the causes, mixed them with their strategies, and have come out with organic/ ethical/ vegan products in every form. The latest trend picking up are vegan/ organic shoes and bags.

Why Give Up on Leather?

  • Many large brands are accused of exporting their products from such sweatshops.
  • Leather puts stress on animal cruelty and the environment.
  • Tanning of leather requires the use of many chemicals. The industrial waste is then dumped into rivers or land, causing these chemicals to harm the environment.
  • Another reason to shun leather is that animal farming for their hide is a grave threat to animals.

 The Age of Vegan Leather

Vegan leather is faux/ artificial/ eco-friendly alternatives to leather. If you believe, that without leather you can’t make a style statement, then you are in for a surprise.

We have a list of alternative leather that will give a new meaning to your lifestyle.

  1. Paper

A hot trend of tightly knit wash made from the bark of Kozo trees. This is then cut and lined for making women’s bags. Many top fashion houses such as Bottega Veneta, Engage Green, etc. have incorporated this in their accessories’ lines.

  1. Cork

Corks have been long used to keep your favourite champagne fresh, but now they are used to manufacture women’s bags, men’s shoes, as wells as umbrellas. Christian Louboutin and Chanel are already making a statement with corks.

  1. Pinatex

Not a very popular fruit, but makes an awesome dress! Our next vegan leather on the list is made from waste parts of the pineapple bush. The material feels and looks like leather, is water-resistant and very durable.

  1. Recycled Rubber

Fashion houses have taken up the challenge to make recycled rubber a sought after fashion material. Recycled rubber can be given a leather texture that’s glossy and chic. Paguro makes stylish unisex bags and cuffs for men from this easy-to-care-for material.

  1. Waxed Cotton

Tote bags are old names, say hello to organic waxed Cotton. Marc Jacobs have picked up cotton and made it into a water-resistant uber cool material to make shoes and bags for both men and women.

  1. Tree Bark Leather

After reading about cork, this one should go down quickly. The leather is made from sustainable timber. The wood leather is durable, robust and unique due to its natural ingredients, making it suitable for coats and trousers. D & G have even used it to make women’s bags.

Keyword- vegan leather

LSI- women’s bags, men’s shoes, men’s accessories, water-resistant, animal cruelty, organic accessories


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