‘He Who Studies Understands, Not the One Who Sleeps’ – From the Wisdom of Rigveda 5.44.13 (Content Strategi – SEO)

Ancient Indian wisdom asks the following of knowledge: ‘let noble thoughts come to me from all directions’. For noble thoughts to exist, though, you need to have a baseline of education already. Without the availability of free, quality learning content, there is no platform for forward-thinking minds to grow.

Education as a Right, Not as a Privilege

Education should be thought of as a right for every person. The most influential people in our society are the most educated.

For individuals to innovate, debate, and make tough decisions, they must first have had the freedom to learn what inspires them. Education provides this freedom, and so it should be available for everyone.

If all learning content were free, people from every walk of life would have the opportunity to be the best that they can be. To develop wisdom, knowledge and experience is key. Education can become a metaphorical springboard to boost someone up the societal ladder.

Without the freedom of knowledge and education, there is no chance for the social mobility that is so crucial to a healthy society.

Do We Ever Stop Learning?

Education is often compared to the lighting of a flame, rather than the filling of a vessel. This is because people always have the capacity to continue learning if they’re given the opportunity. By denying access to learning material to those without the ability to pay for it, we lose out on a vast portion of potential talent.

Every Day is a School Day

Every day we have the opportunity to learn something new. To utilise this, we must be willing to make an effort. If an individual is hampered by the excessive cost of quality education, studying becomes much harder.

Benefits of Free Learning Content

Having free learning content and education means:

  • We gain a diverse and thriving community, filled with innovative people.
  • People can earn a higher wage so that they will pay more in taxes.
  • The rates of unemployment decrease.
  • More educated people report higher levels of health and happiness.

The Messages of the Vedas

The benefits of open and inclusive education, with freely available learning materials, are exemplified by the Vedas. Rigveda, where the above quotation is found, was created as part of collaborative work. It has been proven that the Vedas were formed by numerous different scholars, whose combined wisdom is as relevant today as it was so long ago.

The importance placed through the lessons of Rigveda on the benefits of learning, and working together, is applicable even now and shows that education never ceases to be vital.

Wisdom in Life is Necessary for a Successful Existence

Thoughts can be thought of as seeds. Once they’ve been planted through education, we can allow these seeds to germinate and bloom into creative ideas. If we shut them away without the possibility of inspiration, they will never grow.

Without the wisdom provided by studying, our society would be far less advanced. We wouldn’t have the progressions in medicine and science that we do today. We wouldn’t be leading the way in technological advances. Ancient texts like the Vedas would never have been written.

In short, our civilisation would be bland and boring instead of the wonderful and thriving place it is today.

Primary Keyword: wisdom – used 4 times including title

LSI Keywords:

Variants: Without the wisdom, Ancient Indian wisdom,  combined wisdom,  develop wisdom

Antonyms and Synonyms: knowledge, understand, education, educated, learning, studying, scholars,  learning material,  potential talent,  inspiration, Thoughts


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