Importance of Front Desk Executives in HealthCare (Rank Princess)

Behind the scenes of “hello, how are you today?”Let’s discover what importance they hold in a healthcare establishment. In havens of life and death, where people are whispering prayers, holding onto dear life, or are pitifully mourning their loss, what is formidable to note is how significantly insignificant these front desk executives seem. Where doctors are deities and their devotees follow them like the earth to the sun, it is almost catastrophic to see how conveniently these executives are ignored.

Let’s have a look at this list of duties that they perform day to day, even when they go unnoticed.

Building a Good Rapport

When you first enter a healthcare establishment, the first person you meet is a front desk employee, generally called a receptionist that meets and greets you. Without them, a hospital is incomplete and unimpressive. Thus, it is the duty and responsibility of the front desk personnel to create a good rapport with the individuals walking in. A long lasting impression would bring in more footfall to the organisation, thus bringing in business.

Filling Forms

There are a variety of distinct forms to be filled in healthcare. From blood-group to insurance, there are a lot of information checks that go into getting to know the patient. Things like family history or medical conditions often confuse the people at large.

With a lot of patients and relatives, comes certain language barriers or sometimes the information isn’t clear. This is where the front office employees come in handy. They are well-versed with the forms and thus understand what goes where. This in-turn gives the customer a better understanding of the form.

Prompt Solutions to Customer

It is like second nature for a front office associate to handle customer grievances. The personnel at the job knows the place in and out. Thus it is easy for them to guide the customer immediately. They are the ones with perfect insight about the establishment and are thus perfect navigators of the organisation.

Fixing up Appointments

Besides maintaining a sunny smile, their job also includes maintaining a calendar. They are like PAs to each and every doctor. Scheduling the right time with the right doctor is a tad bit like management. So they understand the patient’s problem, come up with a doctor’s name and schedule the time that suits the customer. It may seem like a cake-walk, but it’s a bit like math.

Issue Invoice and Collect Payments

It is one of the most important jobs of the front desk executives to collect payments. First and foremost an invoice is generated, which allows the customer to know what costs how much. The treatments and medications are clearly mentioned on the invoice so formed. The personnel compile all the services provided by the organisation and then focus on getting payment.

Confidence building &Comfort Induction

The front desk executives are the first impression of an organisation. Thus, they are the confidence generators that boost a sense of comfort and relief. If the first impression is lousy, nobody would want to be treated in that place. More than the patient, it is important to nurture the relatives because they shall be able to trust you with the lives of a close one. Comfort is automatically induced if the patient is treated well.

Link-Pin between Patient and Doctor

The front desk executive is the key link-pin between the doctor and the patient. The personnel in question jots down appointments for the patient and forwards the patient’s profile to the doctor. It is because of the front office employee that the patient is prioritised. It gives the doctor more treatment time rather than first familiarising, entertaining and then treating.

Saving Time

It is because of the front office personnel that the patients head in at the prescribed time. The patients know where and when to visit which doctor only because of the front desk workers.

On the other hand, it also saves the doctor’s time as the doctors also know when and who to attend with what diagnosis.

Maintaining Paperwork and Keeping Record

The front office employees keep background histories clearly stocked under the patient names. Their work includes maintenance of treatment history of recurring patients or creation of a new database for the new ones. These records are of utmost importance to the doctor because it mentions the medical history of the patient for diagnosis and prognosis.

The paperwork may or may not be physically written. So lately, with technology supporting us, Excel spreadsheets are the new requirement for maintaining such paperwork. Thus these employees are academically adept with skills like Microsoft Office and Excel.

Distributing Mail

A front-desk employee is the one that sorts mail directed towards different departments. They eliminate the ones that don’t need attention but are quick on their feet incase of an emergency crops up. It is purely their job to distribute the mail to the right person in the right department, thus running things smoothly in order.

Customer Satisfaction

It may seem that it is the doctor’s duty to satisfy the patient, but what is always never seen is the fact that how the front desk executives are the one that make the whole process a lot easier. They create a comfortable vibe for the patient, they create positive energy for the relatives, and they create a humble aura amongst the individuals. It is because of them that the close ones are calm and at peace. They make the nightmare almost pleasant.

Conclusion about the Sunny-Smile

Front-desk Executives have a huge role to play. They are the backbones of the organisation which allows the whole body to function properly. Besides having Rose-Cheeked smiles and a pleasant personality, their job is a bit tough. They have to be the bright sunshine for others even if they might be going through turmoil inside. They need to work like a clock for the doctor and the patients. They are almost like mathematicians trying to fix appointments and maintaining Excel spreadsheets.

They are the ones with the insight of a genius and the warm touch of an angel.


Importance of front desk executives in healthcare establishments (Rank Princess)

There are many vaunted roles in the healthcare industry that often get their due credit, but at the same time, innumerable others are toiling every day for little or no recognition of their hard work. Below is an insight into how the front desk executives can change the picture of a healthcare organisation.

Front desk executives are paramount in the healthcare sector, more so than anywhere else. But often enough they are either completely ignored or their contributions largely discounted. These people work at the front desks and receptions of our hospitals, clinics, and even the local general physician’s chambers.

Patients usually get frightened of the unknown the moment they enter the waiting room of a hospital or a clinic. The only way to get through this is a warm and welcoming figure that would gladly receive you and welcome you into the hospital.

Learn from the hotel business

This is where the healthcare industry should take a cue from the hospitality industry.

  • To most people, front desk executives are representative of the whole organisation, and it is paramount that the person is seen to be trustworthy and reassuring and that they exude confidence, something that will be reflected in the organisation as well.
  • A lot of people feel that the first interaction once you get past the gate is important, and it leaves a taste in the mouth that lasts long after that initial interaction phase is complete. This is why it is important to remember that the front desk’s duty is far more than simply answering the phone.

Increasing privatisation of health care has reduced the bedside manner of most professionals, and meeting deadlines and reaching targets has become the norm in the industry. So this increases the need for professionals who will single-mindedly tend to patient’s comfort, over and above the care provided by doctors.

A little story

Going beyond patient needs, another important duty of front desk executives is to keep the office running smoothly. An example would carefully illustrate the necessity of the ubiquitous front desk staff at hospitals and clinics.

  • A famous nephrologist in the city usually sees up to a hundred odd patients every week, at his house as well as at an upscale nursing home. His visiting hours at the upscale nursing home are well managed and almost always on time and never late.

However, it’s a completely different story at his home.

  • Patients often have to wait for over six to eight hours despite having made an appointment over a fortnight in advance. The scheduling system is medieval with queues formed on the day of the visit, all of which contributes to a collective pandemonium.

The moral of this short story was the sharp contrast in the two operations. They were both run by the same doctor and had the same level of professional healthcare being catered to patients.

So, where was the problem? The difference was in the way the office space was managed, and the paperwork was taken care off.

This is exactly where the role of front desk executives comes in, and we get to understand how important this role is in the larger scheme of things.

Areas to Monitor For satisfactory services

Three important places where the front desk acts in the most efficient manner to keep the whole hospital as well the healthcare industry functioning are:

Billing and Coding

Billing and payments are probably the most integral and undervalued part of any hospital. Copayments and insurance papers often have the whole industry on tenterhooks and lives can depend on this.

Most hospitals and healthcare providers depend on insurance paperwork to get through on time even before they go ahead with the most minor of operations on patients. An important thing to remember is that insurance companies often have different codes or formulae based on which they decide if the claim is worth processing or not and the execution of this lies solely with healthcare front desk employee.

This is again, one of the many duties that front desk employees in the healthcare industry take on.

Making Appointments

The example above spelt out exactly how important the role of the front desk is in scheduling appointments and managing the whole office on a timetable. But it goes far beyond even that.

The front desk is brilliant when it comes to pro-actively helping patients find the correct doctor or mapping patient problems to certain specialisations and doctors in that field. Most patients do not walk into the hospital with all knowledge at their fingertips.

 They need a lot of help in navigating the list of visiting doctors and deciding who is best suited for their immediate problems. This is where the role of the front desk employee gains more prominence.

Outside of mapping patients to employees, these people are also instrumental in ensuring that patients get to cut through all the bureaucratic red tape and reach their final destination on time. This is something that daunts most patients’ families and dear ones.

Minor Office Equipment Usage

Hospitals are getting more high tech day by day, and you need efficient and smart people to be able to operate office equipment that most doctors don’t bother to learn and also, do not have any real need to learn or understand. A well-oiled front desk can take care of all photocopying, calling and printing needs that anyone in the hospital might have.

Add to this a basic knowledge of how most primary healthcare equipment works, and you get the perfect front office assistant working right for you.

X-Ray machines and the like are easy to operate and having a healthy knowledge of the same only adds to the indispensability of the front desk executives.

The crux of the matter is that hospitals, over and above their primary role in providing quality healthcare, also need to perform the all-important function of acting as an office to hundreds and thousands of people on a regular basis.

The smooth running of an office very desperately requires adept functioning and smooth running of the bureaucracy. In all of this, the front desk is a vital cog in the whole machine. 

Primary Keyword: Front Desk Executives

LSI Keywords: healthcare establishments, healthcare organisation, privatisation of health care, front desk staff at hospitals, hospitals and healthcare providers, healthcare front desk employee, well-oiled front desk


How Adopting A Wallet Can Simplify Your Life? (Rank Princess – SEO)

With the Internet has come the virtualisation of almost everything we do. It started with electronic mail, and now it has brought us the power of having an online wallet. Virtual wallets can smoothen out payments, and purchases like few would have imagined, and they’re completely secure.

What is an online wallet?

Very quickly, an online wallet is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a virtual space on the Internet where you keep your money.

And when you need to pay for stuff like bills or recharge your phone, you can use the money from this wallet. No hassles involved at all.

MobiKwik is a good example of such a wallet which is gaining popularity.

How will it change your life?

Well, undoubtedly for the better.

Everyone’s got a tonne of bills that need to be paid. They use a variety of bank accounts and fill numerous forms to pay out these bills. In the Internet age, this isn’t necessary.

You can transfer funds from your account to your wallet and directly use it for paying bills. It is as simple as that.

What services can be paid for?

In short – everything.

These virtual wallets can help you pay for landline bills, gas bills, electricity charges, life insurance, data cards, DTH services, and of course mobile recharges. Within mobile recharges too, they can be used to recharge your phone regardless of the service you use.

Is it safe?

Of course, you might be concerned with the safety of such a system. After all, it’s your money being stored in that wallet. And your information too.

But you needn’t worry, given the security standards which are prevalent today. People use the Internet for net banking and many more vital operations, and there’s no risk involved. Also, online wallet services (like MobiKwik mentioned above) offer very tight security for obvious reasons.

So, what you’re saying is…

You should get an online wallet! Not only will it make your life much simpler, but it’ll also allow you to access some pretty cool offers.

LSI Keywords: online wallet, virtual wallet, online wallet services, virtual space on the Internet, Virtual wallets


Case Study: APF Website Development Success (Content Strategi)

A major automobile dealer based in South California had asked us to solve some technical problems they were facing. Among other changes, we shifted their site from Joomla to AWS.

What were the challenges we faced?

The customer approached us with the following technical problems, as identified by a third party:

  • Shifting the mode of payment of automobile loans online. Specifically:
    • The technical side of online transactions – making sure the portal worked.
    • Getting the people to trust the brand and the process.
  • The client could not make the following desired modifications because it would affect the other websites using the same host:
    • Disabling FTP
    • Enabling SFTP
    • Secure SSH
  • Increasing the reliability, security, and transparency of the hosting provider.

 The AWS and PreludeSys Solution

  • We moved the website built on Joomla! CMS to AWS.
  • By purchasing a Reserved Instance through AWS, we were able to reduce the costs of maintaining the website.

 Did the benefits bear fruit?

  • We had moved the website to AWS in June 2015. The client tells us there has been no downtime ever since.
  • The client has also informed us that they have received no customer complaints about the website.

 In A Nutshell

The client requested our help to improve their website. With our expertise, we were able to successfully shift their website and alleviate those problems. The solutions, according to the client’s feedback, have been sustainable.


Amsterdam Scentra Ladies Shoes (Rank Princess)

Outsoles are specially made for flexibility and long-lasting comfort and made with 100{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} natural rubber. Cotton provides comfort and breathability for your feet.

Go Green
All-natural, eco-friendly materials used.

Every pair of Scentra shoes is dyed with a fruity smell.

Easy Cleaning
Just run your shoes under tap water, the mild pressure will clean them. Or toss them into the washing machine on mild mode to remove stains.


ORLANDO SCENTRA (Rank Princess) (Blue)

Dyed Fruity Scent
A sensual treat to the sensual minds of kids, the pair comes perfumed with a delicious fruity scent.

Eco-Friendly Material
Made from European cotton only, the pair adds to nature’s lush along with the kid’s style quotient.

Comfort With Durability
Comfort tochildren’s tender feet is full to the brim with flexible vulcanised outsoles made of 100{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} natural rubber.

Designed in California and handmade in Spain, the pair offers comfort along with the added tinge of childish sensuality.


Take that Weight Off Your Shoulders—Travel and Unravel Your Stress (Rank Princess – SEO)

Tired of your 9 to 5 job? Do you feel like every day is just the same, and you can never get rid of all your worries?

Travel to unravel! Go travelling, discover a new place and discover a new you!

We all get caught up in work and the daily grind of life and forget that we work to have a good life, we don’t live to have a good job. Believe it or not, travelling will improve your life and even your health!

Not sure where to go? Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for, to help you figure out where your next escape should be.

Money Problems! Help!

Travel doesn’t have to kill your savings; there are plenty of budget places to vacation. None of us is Paris Hilton, unfortunately, and we have to keep an eye on our bank balances when planning a vacation.

Fix a budget, and then check out websites for hostels and budget hotels at great holiday destinations. If your budget is low, then plan four to six months ahead, I’ve got some great deals on tickets that way.

The World Is Beautiful

There are loads of places to hang out and chill and feel like a new person even on the slightest budget. Check out George Town in Malaysia if you’re an art and music geek. Or visit Siem Reap in Cambodia, not only is it a gorgeous place to hang out, the Angkor Vat is nearby.

So book your tickets! You don’t have to feel stressed out and angry constantly.

Travel to find out just how much fun life can be!


LSI Keywords: budget hotels, budget places to vacation, travelling will improve your life, great holiday destinations.


5 Reasons Why You Should Stay In a Hostel The Next Time You Travel Solo (Rank Princess – SEO)

Bunking in a hostel is one of the most cheerful experiences you will have in your life, especially if you are travelling alone. Here’s why you should opt for that backpacker’s hostel.

Become A Social Butterfly

Hostels are the best place to find that travel buddy you have been looking for. Hippie, existentialist, eccentrically glamorous, gorgeous 20-year-old solo female traveller, the dude who has been traveling for three months, the 60-year-old who was in Woodstock, and more. Yes, you can find all types of people here.

Go Dutch

Yes, sharing is caring and also means going Dutch. Especially when you travelling on a shoestring budget, this could be it.

Get A Date

Of course, you are bound to get attracted to one of the travellers you are sharing your room with.

Jam Sessions

There is always someone who plays a chichi instrument, a didgeridoo, ukulele or the clichéd guitar. Get jamming with musicians from all around the world! Make music and spread the love!

Stay For Free

Yes, this is possible. Get an offbeat job at the hostel where you only have to work a few hours in a day, and you can have the rest of the day to yourself to explore the town or the city you are in. Wash dishes, clean the rooms or become the evening DJ, and couch at the hostel for free!

Wherever you stay, just make sure to have loads of fun… because that is what counts in the end.

Reference Links

            Link 1

            Link 2

            Link 3

            Link 4

            Link 5

             Link 6

            Solo female travel: How to keep you and your finances safe

LSI Keywords: Backpacking, solo traveling, staying in hostel, couching in hostel


Hostels: Advocating Interpersonal Connections (Rank Princess – SEO)

Are you a travel enthusiast with a limited budget? Are you a lone traveller who prefers his own company? Or do you prefer the boisterous company of friends and family accompanying you?

Everyone who travels outstation is aware of how essential it is to remain in the budget during your trip outside home grounds.

Budget constraints limit your spending power and restrict you to enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

The solution is simple: stay in a hostel!

What Is A Hostel Like?

Hostels are like hotels, but less expensive. More like home, but filled with an eclectic group of strangers.

Also, they have communal living options and common facility sharing.

There are a few that have family accommodation and come equipped with a self-sustained kitchenette.

So, if you don’t mind sleeping in bunk beds with strangers in one room, and can wait in a queue to use the facilities, then you can go ahead and book yourself a hostel room for your travel ahead!

Advantages Of Living In A Hostel

The most obvious one is cost saving. Apart from that, there are a few more benefits to the hostel life.

You get to meet similar-minded travellers. They have all the inside information about the area regarding where to go, how to go there, where to eat, and what not to do. All this is something which a travel brochure or a guidebook can’t tell you!

Traveller’s Accommodation

Sharing meals, rooms, experience, and stories gives the group a chance to bond with each other.

You build connections, create networks, and find yourself friends and travel buddies.

Just because you are travelling alone does not mean you have to be lonely. 


LSI Keywords: what is a hostel like, advantages of living in a hostel, traveler’s accommodation


A Primer On Unsecured Business Loans: A Leg Up for SMEs (Rank Princess – SEO)

Unsecured business loans are loans which exist without collateral assets on the line. This is great for SMEs and start-ups because it gives them the required push. CapitalFloat, in particular, has unique benefits to offer.

Unsecured business loans are a great way to move forward in the business world. Below are a few common questions people have about these loans, and their answers.

What are unsecured business loans?

Unsecured business loans meaning is that money is lent to you without any collateral assets at stake.

Most loans work like this. Money is lent to a business, and they have to pay it back with interest within a stipulated time frame. Some asset (like a house) is kept as collateral. If the business defaults on these loans, the collateral asset is taken away by the lender.

But this is different. Unsecured business loan lenders give you money on the sole creditworthiness or reliability of the business which is asking for the money. These are also known as signature loans or personal loans.

What happens when you default an unsecured business loan?

The lender can sue the defaulter for the money owed (principal and interest) as well as additional penalties and costs as a punishment for defaulting on the loan.

What are the interest rates like on unsecured loans?

The unsecured business loan interest rates offered vary from bank to bank. However, some Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) also offer highly competitive interest rates.

An unsecured business loan interest rate comparison would show thatCapitalFloat offers attractive interest rates starting at 1.33{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} per month. Of course, this is a general figure. The amount of money lent varies depending on the type of loan.

What are the different types of unsecured business loans?

Loans, in general, are only usually distinguishable regarding purpose, interest rates, and length.

Specifically, we find that CapitalFloat offers three kinds of loans: term finance, invoice finance, and online seller finance.

How’s the Term Finance loan CapitalFloat offers?

The features are:

  • You don’t have to give any prepayment charges.
  • The tenure is flexible and ranges from 6 months to 3 years.
  • The amount you want to borrow ranges from 1 lac to 50 lacs INR.

All these benefits are provided in exchange for really small unsecured business loan requirements like three years’ operational history, a 650+ CIBIL score, and an annual turnover of over one crore (or) impeccably audited financials.

It is important to note that other lenders often expect much more from you, especially regarding collateral.

What about the Online Seller loan?

This is most suitable for companies who are expanding their market sales or moving to new markets. Companies in transition to becoming something bigger.

  • You can borrow for 90 to 180 days.
  • The amount can range from INR 1 lac to 1 crore, depending on your needs. Also, it can be twice as high as the borrower’s monthly sales.
  • The repayments have to be done fortnightly.

Aside from basic KYC expectations, all you have to show is one year of running a business, at least INR 25000 sales each quarter, and partnership vintage between 3-6 months at least.

Finally, what are invoice finance loans? Are they useful?

Invoice finance is loan that lenders like CapitalFloat give you on the basis of your invoice. That is, on the basis of how much money you expect to get from your customers.

The CapitalFloat invoice loans look as follows:

  • You can borrow from 30 to 180 days.
  • A maximum of 80{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of the invoice value is lent, and this amount should be between 1 lac and one crore.
  • You have the option of one-time bullet repayment.

Expectations from the borrower’s side are minimum two years of functioning business, vintage of over three months, and an annual turnover of over one crore.

Are unsecured business loans financially safe?

In short, yes. Especially, for small to medium businesses, unsecured loans can be helpful.

You have no collateral, fast funding, the flexibility of repayment (within reasonable limits), and high approval rates. Also in the unsecured business loan, bad credit isn’t that harmful because the lenders often believe in helping the business.

All of this is great for SMEs because it’s difficult to give valuable assets as collateral, and loans are crucial in expanding and improving business.

Further reading:


LSI Keywords: unsecured business loan lenders, unsecured business loan interest rates, unsecured business loan meaning, unsecured business loan bad credit, unsecured business loan interest rate comparison, unsecured business loan requirements
