5 Tips To Land A Job In The Hospitality Industry (Rank Princess – SEO)

The hospitality industry is a service industry that includes planning, management and building quality relationships between guest and host in all subcategories within the tourism industry.

Hospitality Industry Has Numerous Opportunities

A hospitality unit is something like a hotel, restaurant or amusement park, and such places have various types of jobs for the maintenance of the facility, and management of operations.

Hospitality as an industry is a fairly new concept. However, securing a job within the industry is not necessarily very difficult as it is an ever expanding industry with a lot of jobs. People are spending more than 1.5 billion nights in hotels and other similar establishments, and the number is set to grow.

There is room to accommodate the job requirement of different people and skillsets. The number employed increased from 7.4 million to 9.3 million between 2003 and 2008. 

Here are five tips that will help you get a desired job in the hospitality sector:

  1. Dream High, Start Low

Ambition is a good thing. It sets a target and lets you work towards it. While your ambition may be to be a part of the management group, it’s not easy to directly start at that position.

It is advisable to look for entry-level openings. You may think that washing dishes or cleaning rooms are the most thankless jobs the industry offers, but they can help you get a foot into the industry. They also have ample scope that allows you to work your way up. Also, there is never any dearth of job openings at this level.

  1. Experiment to Find Your Fit

It’s not always possible to know exactly what job you are looking for in the industry, especially as you start your journey. In such cases, seasonal work and internships are a good option to try out various types of job and pick one that suits you the most.

Seasonal work is easy to get in the hospitality sector. Job opportunities increase with the onset of peak tourist seasons and festivities. In fact, the longer you work on such part-time basis, the more are the chances for you to be inducted into a full-time job in the future.

Chicago Tribune in 2012 stated that there was a 10{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} increase from 2011 in the number of part-time workers who got retained for a permanent position.

  1. Step Out of Your Hometown

Most job vacancies are present in large resorts, national parks, and popular tourist destinations. Starting at a big place, even if it is an entry-level job, gives valuable work experience and is a big boost to your resume. It will aid in getting a job at a higher position later.

It is not always possible to secure a job in your hometown. Hence it is worthwhile considering suitable options outside as well. The benefits might not be apparent at that moment, but you could certainly reap dividends of such a move in the longer run.

  1. Versatility is Key

The good thing about a growing industry is that you don’t have to be restricted to a particular role. Being versatile opens more doors, and lets you experiment with various roles. In fact, some companies expect you to take on varied roles, so it’s imperative to keep an open mind.

It could go a long way to earn brownie points with your employer if you do whatever job is assigned.

  1. Don’t Let The Long Hours Scare You

The hospitality industry has erratic timings because of the fluctuations in demand. If you’re expecting a predictable, well-scheduled 8-hour job, then perhaps this sector is not suitable for you.

Night shifts and long working hours is very often required, especially for entry-level and mid-level posts. So be proactive to take on workload and don’t shy away from long work hours. This enthusiasm and willingness will surely send a positive message to a potential employer during an interview!

LSI Keywords:

Hospitality industry, tourism industry, hospitality sector, hospitality, entry-level openings, seasonal work, internships, tourist destinations, amusement parks, national parks, luxury destinations


  1. https://www.livecareer.com/interview-tips/industry/hospitality
  2. http://www.portablecareer.net/hospitality-jobs-tips-for-getting-the-job/
  3. http://blog.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/5-tips-for-a-successful-career-in-hotel-management
  4. https://www.facebook.com/notes/academy-of-learning-college/going-into-the-hospitality-industry-5-tips-to-get-your-foot-in-the-door/10154504451454373
  5. http://www.portablecareer.net/hospitality-jobs-tips-for-getting-the-job/
  6. https://targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors/hospitality-leisure-and-travel/advice/286355-how-do-i-get-a-job-in-hospitality-leisure-and-tourism



5 Tips To Land A Job In The Hospitality Industry (Rank Princess – SEO)

The hospitality industry is a service industry that includes planning, management and a quality relationship between guest and host in all subcategories within the tourism industry.

Hospitality Industry Has Opportunities

A hospitality unit is something like a hotel, restaurant or amusement park, and such places have various types of jobs for the maintenance of the facility and direction of operations.

Hospitality as an industry is a fairly new concept. However, securing a job within the industry does not have to be difficult because it is an ever expanding industry with a lot of jobs. People are spending more than 1.5 billion nights in hotels and other similar establishments. 

There is room to accommodate the interests of different people. The number employed increased by 1.9 million from 7.4 million to 9.3 million between 2003 and 2008. 

Here are five tips that will help you get a desired job in the hospitality sector:

  1. Dream High, Start Low

Ambition is a good thing. It sets a target and lets you work towards it. While your ambition may be to be in the management, it’s not easy to directly start at that position.

It is advisable to look for entry-level openings. You may think that washing dishes or cleaning rooms are the most thankless jobs the industry offers, but they can get you in. They also have ample scope that allows you to work your way up. Also, there is never any dearth of job openings at this level.

  1. Experiment to Find Your Fit

It’s not always possible to know exactly what job you are looking for in the industry. In such cases, seasonal work and internships are a good option to try out various types of jobs and pick one that suits you the most.

Seasonal work is easy to get in the hospitality sector. Job opportunities increase with the onset of peak tourist seasons and festivities. In fact, the longer you work on such part-time basis, the more are the chances for you to be inducted into a full-time job in the future.

Chicago Tribune in 2012 stated that there was a 10{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} increase from 2011 in the number of part-time workers who got retained for a permanent position.

  1. Step Out of Your Hometown

Most job vacancies are present in large resorts, national parks, and popular tourist destinations. Starting at a big place, even with an entry-level job gives valuable work experience and is a big boost to your resume. It will aid in getting a job at a higher position later.

It is not always possible to secure a job in your hometown, no matter how out of reach some luxury destinations might seem. So time to fly out, little birdie!

  1. Versatility is Key

The good thing about a growing industry is that you don’t have to be restricted to a particular role. Being versatile allows you to be more active and experimental. In fact, some companies expect you to take on varied roles, so it’s imperative to keep an open mind.

It could go a long way to earn brownie points with your employer if you do whatever job he assigns.

  1. Don’t Let The Long Hours Scare You

The hospitality industry has erratic timings because of the fluctuations in demand. If you’re expecting a predictable, well-scheduled 8-hour job, then perhaps this sector is not suitable for you.

Night shifts and long working hours is very often required, especially for entry-level and mid-level posts. So be proactive to take on workload and don’t shy away from long work hours. This enthusiasm sends a positive message to a potential employer during an interview and lets him/her know you’re dependable.

LSI Keywords:

Hospitality industry, tourism industry, hospitality sector, hospitality, entry-level openings, seasonal work, internships, tourist destinations, amusement parks, national parks, luxury destinations


  1. https://www.livecareer.com/interview-tips/industry/hospitality
  2. http://www.portablecareer.net/hospitality-jobs-tips-for-getting-the-job/
  3. http://blog.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/5-tips-for-a-successful-career-in-hotel-management
  4. https://www.facebook.com/notes/academy-of-learning-college/going-into-the-hospitality-industry-5-tips-to-get-your-foot-in-the-door/10154504451454373
  5. http://www.portablecareer.net/hospitality-jobs-tips-for-getting-the-job/
  6. https://targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors/hospitality-leisure-and-travel/advice/286355-how-do-i-get-a-job-in-hospitality-leisure-and-tourism



Transit Media Advertisement: Reach Millions, Easily(Rank Princess – SEO)

Any business may thrive for only as long as it is well-connected with its target audience. However, reaching the target demographics can be a tricky problem for most people in business, entrepreneurs and corporate establishments alike, for one very simple reason: in today’s hectic schedule wherein people are losing sleep, the time they dedicate to actually sitting down and watching television is decreasing on a daily basis?

So, how does one spread the word about their business among the general public? That is where transit media advertisement comes into play. Including company, business and product advertisement via billboards, hoardings, and even moving vehicles, transit media is the hot new thing in town which is here to save the day!

What Is Transit Media Advertising, Really?

In simple, understandable language, transit media refers to out-of-home advertising; that is any advertisements that a common customer can look at and know about whenever he or she steps out of his or her house.

The common ways transit media advertisement is implemented in real life is given as follows:

  • Billboards scattered all over the city are excellent methods to let people know about your business because there is no way someone could miss it.
  • Roadside signs are eye-catching enough to spread the word around.
  • Placing advertisements in strategic locations that are generally visited by a lot of people (for example, shopping malls, train stations, bus stands and so on) also come under transit media advertising.
  • If the idea is to have people look at your company’s advertisements (by choice or because of lack of better options) then placing some at places where people have to wait for longer periods of time—like hospitals—is as good an option as any.

LCVs and Transit Media Advertising

If there is one thing that one can never avoid, especially in the bigger cities, it is traffic. And while traffic itself is not that appreciated by the public in general, it is the best and most promising way to implement transit media advertising.

LCV stands for Light Commercial Vehicles, and the use of LCVs is the easiest and most effective way to advertise anything at all. LCVs are smaller, customized six-wheelers that are designed for the purpose of advertisement.

They may come complete with extra features like sound and lights for the extra oomph and emphasis and are especially useful for advertising in terrains and regions where it is difficult or altogether impossible to install billboards.

Mobile Billboards: A Revolution in Advertisement

It is believed that advertising is the last surviving form of art, and the introduction of mobile billboards using LCVs is nothing short of a masterpiece, a work of genius. Some very essential advantages of exploiting the concept of mobile billboards are:

  1. Everyone notices your advertisement—when stuck in traffic, or even otherwise, it is impossible to fully ignore a big, colourful truck.
  2. Using vehicles as means of advertisement increases your reach manifold, which is the need of the hour.
  3. There is no need to worry about the terrain/region, unlike while installing static billboards.
  4. LCVs may cover a wider area as compared to a static billboard.

Pick The Right Partner

The key here is to pick the agency that is willing to do their absolute best to make sure that your advertisements are noticed by all. At Rolling Banners, we do our best to make sure that you get the best service possible. We provide advertisement services using LCVs, and mobile billboards.

Picking the right agency is crucial because not only would they be with you every step of the way but also take you to new heights that were otherwise unimaginable.

LSI Keywords: transit media advertisement, billboards, mobile billboards, advertising


Breaking the Clutter with Transit Media Advertising(Rank Princess – SEO)

Today businesses are trying to get the attention of their customers through various ways, digital gaining most importance. Some of the best ways to reach the customer’s mind such as Out Of Home advertising is taking a back seat.

However, the online space is now so cluttered that it is time to go back to simpler times. It is time to break the clutter and reach the customer’s heart through mediums like transit media advertising.

What exactly is Transit Media?

Transit advertising is placing advertisements on anything that is mobile or using mobile billboards such as cars, buses, etc. It can also be termed as light commercial vehicle advertising.

Transit media will help any business reach the right customer in a clutter free manner. Here are six reasons why it is so perfect:

  1. Location Specific Targeting

Using transit advertising one can reach customers on a specific route or in a specific location.

When advertisements are placed for example on the route to a shopping area the consumer automatically remembers the product since it is so fresh in their mind.

  1. Prolonged Exposure

Transit advertising ensures that your message is out there for the customer to see. Unlike other modes of advertising, you cannot turn it off or skip it.

With a little creativity, you can really make an impact in your potential customer’s mind.

Another advantage of using outdoor advertising on a specific route is getting the opportunity to be visible to the customer on a daily basis. If someone uses that route on a regular basis or to work, they get exposed to your brand every single day.

  1. Entering the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind has a very important role to play when we make purchase decisions. Transit media is one of those magical ways to reach the subconscious of the customer.

Unlike other media, advertisements using transit media become a part of a traveler’s life. They see them every day. After a certain point, they stop analysing it. However, the subconscious registers your brand.

The next time the buyer goes to the store they are more likely to pick up your brand without even realising it.

  1. Reaching the Unreachable

LCV advertising has a unique advantage of reaching areas which are otherwise unreachable. A residential area, for example, has many restrictions on advertising. But residents use LCVs on a regular basis.

These LCVs thus provide the perfect opportunity to target areas which are otherwise unreachable.

Transit advertising thus helps you in targeting a unique set of audience in a unique manner.

  1. Fresh Creativity

Nowadays being creative in the online space or on television doesn’t fetch any brownie points. People take these media for granted, and thus it becomes very difficult to break free from the clutter.

Transit advertising, on the other hand, gives you an opportunity to get your creative juices flowing. With technological advancements, you can also create interactive advertisements that can engage the audience.

  1. Right Time Targeting

Targeting the right audience at the right time is the key to unlocking a customer’s heart. With transit media, it is very easily possible. When people are travelling, they are bored and looking for entertainment.

If your ad is placed at the right location, then the audience will volunteer to read your message and reach out to you.

Transit advertisement thus is a fresh way to get the attention of your target audience. It is a clutter free way that gives you ample space for innovation and creativity.

With transit media advertising you can reach your audience at a low cost and in an effective way.

LSI Keywords: transit media advertising, Transit advertisement, interactive advertisements, LCV advertising, advertisements using transit media, outdoor advertising on a specific route, reach customers on a specific route, Out Of Home advertising


Google DeepDream – Changing How We See Visual Data & Doing a Great Job (Rank Princess – SEO)

Interpretation is a personal experience. So is conjecture and imagination. Google’s DeepDream Program has opened new doors for all three. The question is- is this weird and yet refreshingly different way of looking at things the first step towards a future where impossibility is considered unreal?

Simplifying DeepDream Software

You may describe DeepDream as a neural network. Consider it to be similar to the image recognition technology of Google. This machine is taught to recognise patterns, coloured pixels in this case, in data.

Pre-operating on a bank of image data, DeepDream was taught to recognise certain shapes. Then, the creators went ahead and showed it to create images based on its guesses.

Recognising, Enhancing & Iterating

For instance, if DeepDream is asked to search for birds, it will catch anything that looks remotely close to a bird and will enhance it to look more like a bird. Then, it will iterate the whole process of recognition and improve on this modified image.

The result- an image full of morphed bird faces. So, you see, in a way, it is making things appear out of nowhere. The outcomes can be sometimes fascinating, sometimes beautiful and at times nightmarish.

Brilliant and Yet Unnerving

And I am not just talking about the results that come out of Google’s DeepDream generator. I am speaking about the implications of a machine that fakes so convincingly.

Art is an output of passion, interest, logic, contemplation, and other such intense emotions. DeepDream code is a tool. It works on commands and some analytical intelligence. And yet, it produces results that are flawless in being, well, whatever they are.

Why Do DeepDream Images Resemble Hallucinations

When you hallucinate, your brain recognises things, exaggerates them and runs your personal version of the world on a loop in front of your eyes.

That is in a way what DeepDream app does. You can say that they consider all possibilities that could have caused a particular sensory input, and then they exaggerate the result, iteration per iteration.

Now, these options are somewhat limited. This is because this machine is in the learning phase, so it only recognises things it has seen before – data that it has been fed and that it now knows and hence can create.

This is why you will come across a lot of dog faces in many DeepDream images.

Where Can You Create Your Own DeepDream Image?

Google’s DeepDream Generator is the place to go to. It is online and fairly fast in processing and vastly featured. However, there are other options, both free of cost and premium ones that you can find via a simple Google search.

The Ultimate Implications of DeepDream Technology

As long as this machine grows on generic images, creating birds and dinosaurs, and breaks in a kung fu panda image, for instance, that’s acceptable. But consider a possibility where it is made to study Picasso or Monet or Da Vinci- their styles, their strokes, everything.

If it creates something out of that knowledge, the results would be incredible because they would be based on the best.

Only, how comfortable are we with this? Is this, in a way, the beginning of an era where we lose humanity to machines? Or is it just another visual style that people will get bored of in a few years, or use as an aid to developing digital art?

All in All- It Isn’t Bad or Good

To some, it is intriguing. To others, it is just illogical stuff made of nightmares. The reception is mixed.

But to be honest, Google’s DeepDream also is just another trend. That it stays or withers away is something only time will reveal. However, it will be interesting to see the several debates that it will unfold, with this being a piece of technology that solidifies the belief that machines might just take over someday.

Primary Keyword: Google DeepDream 

LSI Keywords: DeepDream software, Google DeepDream generator, DeepDream code, DeepDream Technology, DeepDream app, DeepDream images.


  1. https://psmag.com/why-Google-s-deep-dream-is-future-kitsch-5963c28fde12#.hxme2g87n
  2. http://www.networkworld.com/article/2974718/software/deep-dream-artificial-intelligence-meets-hallucinations.html
  3. https://research.Googleblog.com/2015/06/inceptionism-going-deeper-into-neural.html
  4. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/why-Googles-neural-networks-look-like-theyre-on-acid
  5. https://www.fastcodesign.com/3048941/why-Googles-deep-dream-ai-hallucinates-in-dog-faces
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/3cbelv/eli5_can_anyone_explain_Googles_deep_dream/




DeepDream Algorithms: Another Step Towards Innovation (Rank Princess – SEO)

With advancements we make in the world of technology, humanity has proven to be creative in many ways. Every discovery takes us deeper into the innovative things that can be done with the use of technology. And maybe it was with this dominant thought in mind that Google came up with the DeepDream Algorithm. 

Ever since Google introduced its DeepDream Algorithm to the world, it has made dreams come true. This amazing app developed by Google’s engineers make use of Artificial Neural Networks and shows you exactly what it can see in the image provided. And these resulting images are exactly what result in the dream-like effect. The results certainly make you feel as if they were coming from your thoughts and thus came the unusual name DeepDream. While artificial intelligence isn’t something unheard of anymore, this new development by Google is certainly one of a kind.

Hard Work & Creativity

The DeepDream Algorithm is certainly not a simple piece of code. Engineers at Google worked hard to create such a code that enables a computer to identify an image inside another image, that too with a lot of precision. And of course, it was not done in a single attempt. Constant testing and error detection were required to create this amazing technology. One of the blog posts on the Official Google Research Blog is imperative in understanding how this technology works. This blog post explains how the Artificial Neural Networks are implemented in the DeepDream Algorithm.

Reason for Developing DeepDream

The main reason engineers at Google decided to develop this algorithm is that they wanted to know what would happen if they tried to create a software different from others – one that can identify things that are not part of the picture but still appear to be present. This idea was then implemented, and software was developed that could not only just identify these imaginary images, but also refine them to make the picture clearer to the human eye.  

Confusing isn’t it? Here is a simple example. Suppose we ask the network to look for pictures of cats in the picture. This leads to the creation of a feedback loop. If a part of the image seems a little like a cat, then the software will identify it each time it passes that part thus refining it until a detailed picture of a cat appears.

That’s not all; we can even allow the network to create its results by not giving it any input. This creates a series of new achievements that can be endless.

Harmful for Painters & Artists?

One would think that such a creative and artistic technology could prove harmful to the livelihood of painters and artists who follow the rules of their brush. Well, the answer to this is probably not. Not everyone who tried the DeepDream Algorithm managed to create good pictures. Most of the pictures look like a painting of a mandala you would find in a dorm room.

This DeepDream technology is not just for entertainment; it can also be used as a portal to learn more about the science of dreaming. One of the many things not understood by man is how humans experience some high quality, intense dreams in their sleep. With the DeepDream technology, there may be a chance to learn how some features of such ideas are related to what we view while awake. But no evidence of this has been provided yet.

If you are a Windows user and want to try to create your artistic images using the DeepDream Algorithm, then you can find the steps here.

LSI Keywords: DeepDream Algorithm,DeepDream technology, Artificial Neural Networks, creative and artistic technology


DeepDream Algorithm – The New Way to See (Rank Princess – SEO)

Technology is moving ahead. And with it, so is our power to see the world in enhanced technological terms. The DeepDream Algorithm is like a whole other dimension of vision and changing visual data.

What Is DeepDream Algorithm?

DeepDream Algorithm is a program developed by Google. It works to find and accentuate various patterns in pictures, thus producing psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects.

This project has been designed to detect faces, and other patterns in your pictures to give it an abstract effect.

Why DeepDream?

Initially, this algorithm was developed by Google for an entirely different reason. DeepDream was created to analyse what a complex neural network sees while looking at a picture.

This was a program developed primarily for scientists and engineers. However, now it has taken an abstract art form. Or trippy psychedelic art.

And not to forget, DeepDream has become the pathway to new display pictures.

Prisma & DeepDream

Prisma is a rip-off from the parent program – DeepDream. DeepDream is an open source program. As such other web services and mobile applications are free to use and further develop the DeepDream Algorithm.

Prisma is one such rip-off which has become the favourite tool of modern social networkers. The pictures produce a trippy effect which is loved by the present gen.

Why So Popular?

The DeepDream Algorithm is a popular software because of a few reasons:

  • People love psychedelic and abstract art forms. It is almost as if you are hallucinating.
  • DeepDream lets you see the picture as a very complex neural network sees.
  • The fact that you can perceive what it is like to hallucinate popularises the program even more.

The Dreams of AI And How DeepDream Works

DeepDream recreates images in a way that seems dream-like. Interestingly, the recreated images are supposedly dreamed by the computers. The dreams of AI.

The process which is making artificial intelligence dream is called Inceptionism. Yes, after the movie Inception which dealt with layers of ideas.

In here, it is the AI which dreams in layers. And recreates the images we feed them. However, they cannot dream by themselves. They dream what we tell them to imagine.

We, humans, have the ability to conjure stuff, mix things up and create dream-like experiences. But computers can’t do that. Hence AI dreams of what we tell them to. Or, a preset bundle of instructions.

Changing the Way We See the World

It’s not so much changing the way we see the world as changing the way AI sees the world. Sounds weird? After all, how can AI see the world?

Well, it sees through the codes that humans are developing. But the outcome is so human like that it’s creepy. DeepDream allows the computer to recognise patterns and twist and turn them into hallucinogenic shapes.

Often, we humans find abstract and creepy shapes in clouds and tree leaves. DeepDream is recreating our vision through AI. What we see is being shown. Through lines of codes.

Isn’t it fascinating how technology is evolving so fast?

The Advancing Technology And The DeepDream World

It is clear that technology of the world is on a high, producing psychedelic images and feeding the imagination of the artists, thereby promoting abstract art. It is changing the world and how we see the world.

Efforts and questions are being raised. Could machines be created to dream on their own? Could they be made to be creative? Without human help?

The DeepDream Algorithm has apparently sparked off interesting and curious questions for the future. Visions and dreams are changing their meanings. And our perception too.

Maybe someday soon, the AI might dream on its own.

Primary keyword – DeepDream

LSI keywords – DeepDream Algorithm, Prisma, artificial intelligence, goals of AI, psychedelic images

Reference links:


An Insight Into Google’s DeepDream And The Trippy Pictures (Rank Princess – SEO)

The engineers knew they were on to something massive when they decided to put a camera on a mobile phone. Fast-forward to 2017: amateur photography and selfie culture are at an all-time high, and the trend is likely only to grow in the future. The latest innovation in this space is the use of artificial intelligence and neural networks to create some of the most psychedelic pictures on the web: Welcome to Project DeepDream.


Lately, you might have found social media flooded with images that could best be described as ‘trippy,’ ‘psychedelic’ or ‘outright crazy.’ These pictures are courtesy Google’s Project DeepDream, or Prisma or in some cases, both.

Both applications take ordinary pictures and deliberately convert them into over-processed images with many layers of effects.

What Is It?

Google’s DeepDream is primarily a computer vision software which utilises convolutional neural networkto deeply analyse images and find patterns within them, which could be later manipulated to create desired effects.

DeepDream was originally designed for the 2014 ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) and made available to the public in July 2015.

Soon after that, Google published this software and made the DeepDream code open source; enabling anyone to use the system and make their image manipulation software and apps for the web, desktop, and mobile phones. One such app is, the much loved, Prisma.

What Are Neural Networks and AI?

The concepts that lie at the core of these capabilities are Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Let’s elaborate on these.

One of the key elements of Artificial Intelligence is its ability to learn, adapt to the situation and make decisions accordingly, without human interference.

Neural Network is a tool of Artificial Intelligence, which is focused on developing systems and machines which can be ‘trained’ over a period into recognising patterns and predicting models, like a biological brain.

The ‘Brains’ Behind It

Even though Neural Network is designed to train itself and make decisions like a biological brain would, it does so by using mathematical algorithms and not biological neurons.

In that case, why is it still called ‘neural’ network? That is because the system is based on an extensive collection of computational neural units, each with its function, and connected in the form of layers, similar to how biological neurons are connected by axons.

How Does It Work

We know that Neural Networks (and DeepDream) operate in layers. Each layer of the network, starting from the most basic and moving up, analyses the picture and adds its set of effects.

For Example, if a part of the cloud in a picture looks a bit like fish, the basic layers of the network will analyse that and make it look ‘more’ like a fish. As the image is passed on to consecutively more complex layers, that part of the cloud starts closely resembling a fish and eventually looks exactly like one.

What Are Its Applications?

DeepDream is in its early stages, and there’s a lot of work to be done and a lot to be understood about the functioning of the network.

As it continues to improve, Artificial Intelligence will significantly see a boost in its applications as its ability to concentrate on more important features and ignore the unimportant ones will improve.

And as AI improves, so will a robots’ ability to understand the world around them and to better blend in the society. The future looks bright.

Applications like DeepDream and Prisma are classic examples of taking a seemingly mundane piece of technology and doing something extraordinary while also engaging the masses. With an increase in its user-base, feedback from users and overall development of the technology, Artificial Intelligence is a step closer to being an integral part of our everyday lives.






LSI Keywords:

Google DeepDream Project

Neural Network technology

DeepDream Algorithm

DeepDream working process

Neural Network layers


Those Who Dare: Exciting Entrepreneurs in India and the Government That Needs to Help Them(Rank Princess – SEO)

India’s growth is predicted to be exciting. In 2015, Business Today in India reported that India has more than 48 million small businesses. This was more than twice that of USA’s 23 million small businesses. The medium, small and micro-enterprises sector in India provide employment to over 80 million people.
Small, medium and micro enterprises, through more than 6,000 products contribute 8{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of GDP, 45{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of the total manufacturing output and 40{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of the exports from the country. Entrepreneurs fall into this category and will be a major catalyst for positive change and growth in the industry across the country.
Over 65 percent of this country is below 35 years of age. As one of the youngest countries in the world, our youth are getting used to having to make more space for themselves.
The current generation of youngsters doesn’t want to be job seekers. The youth wants to be job creators—Narendra Modi, PM
Success Stories
India has many entrepreneurship success stories to draw on to inspire new generations, but the most inspiring success stories are those of this generation of India’s up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
Flipkart, India’s big home-grown e-commerce website was started by Sachin and Binny Bansal as an online bookstore with only Rs. 40000 as capital.
Vijay Shekhar Sharma, the creator of PayTM, was another entrepreneur who started with nothing. Once he had succeeded, he gave away 4 {ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of his equity to his team, showing loyalty.
Start-Up India
The Prime Minister’s 2016 announcement that he intended to promote startup culture in India has come none too soon. The Action Plan has three sections:
• Simplification and Handholding
• Funding Support and Incentives
• Industry-Academia Partnership and Incubation
The government’s efforts are marked by a multi-pronged strategy that will reduce bureaucratic measures that are time-consuming and complicated, and provide valuable knowledge and mentorship to clever young people who need a bit of help.
Our dedication is tough, and our slogan is to substitute Red Tape with Red Carpet– Narendra Modi, PM
Many entrepreneurs in India have responded positively to the PM’s actions.
I think PM Modi put a step further in sustaining start-ups in India in a way that I have not witnessed in the world today.—Adam Neumann, CEO of WeWork
What PM Modi has done for the start-ups is commendable and will go a long way in boosting the start-up eco-system in the country. India ranks 3rd in tech start-ups and 5th in all start-ups globally. This will positively pull up points for us. We can expect to be in the 2nd place in a year. —Rajat Tendon, VP, 10,000 Start-ups, NASSCOM
What’s the 411?
Major events during 2016’s Global Entrepreneurship Week have shown that India’s entrepreneurship ambitions are making its presence felt globally. India was announced as the next destination for the annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit.
Recognising the importance of enabling and fostering the environment for empowering entrepreneurs and innovation, the United States welcomes India’s hosting of the 2017 GES—Press Statement, White House.
Startup Ashoka saw over 100 students present and pitch their ideas, and learn practical and skilled decision-making from each other.
The ThinkBig conference brought together over 2000 women entrepreneurs in an event hosted by WeConnect and the Karnataka government. Indian female entrepreneurs lag behind woefully: only 14 per cent of India’s business establishments are run by women, but this is a hopeful sign.
Government Needs to Help
Entrepreneurship may dream big, but it starts small. This is typically not a bad thing, as we have seen in the past: those who succeed, succeed big. However, as the government itself has already realised, with the high capital costs of setting up a business today, even the most innovative and brave young people could do with a little help.
With training and other help from the government, losses can be kept to a minimum, and more and more success stories can be expected. With the amazing things our people have done without backing, imagine what they will do with help!

LSI Keywords: India has many entrepreneurship success stories, startup culture in India, entrepreneur who started with nothing, India’s up-and-coming entrepreneurs, Indian female entrepreneurs lag


Entrepreneurship- The Need Of The Hour(Rank Princess – SEO)

Decades back, people were not very interested in leaving a handsomely paying job to apply their expertise and skills in ideas to set up a new business. Entrepreneurship was not given much importance.

However, the current scenario is totally different. Young minds are willing to experiment. Currently, many young entrepreneurs have chosen to start new businesses and spread the wave of entrepreneurship in the nation.

The resulting entrepreneurial character has led to massive innovation. Moreover, with the high involvement of government in startups and small and medium-sized (SMEs) businesses, the spirit of entrepreneur-driven innovation is great

At present, India is considered to be a hub of startups, having around 3100 startups and is closely behind the UK with 4000 start-ups.

Fitch Ratings, a credit research rating agency, revealed that such progressive insights have positively impacted the young generation of the nation. The young minds want to start their ventures. They have been motivated to decline their high-paying jobs offered by large multinational companies and start their own firm.

It has been speculated that India will have to roughly create 10 million jobs a year for the 300 million people aspiring to join India’s workforce in the next 20 years. The numbers are quite daunting; however, the government will have to incubate the culture of entrepreneurship in the society.

In other developed countries like the US, Germany, France, the UK, Japan, etc. small businesses have flourished, which generates employment locally and globally.

It all lies in the root that is education. The society will have to create a mindset of training the young generation to showcase their talent which could transform an idea into a business opportunity.

Creating young leaders

India has the highest population between the age group of 15 to 65. It goes to show that it is a country loaded with talent. Also, many Indian-born talented minds are doing some outstanding jobs in world renowned companies like Google, Microsoft, Reckitt Benckiser, etc. It has proven that the local talent can be groomed into brilliant leaders.

The need of the hour is opportunities, exposure, and the infra. Young entrepreneurs must be given opportunities for overseas exposure for hands-on training so that they can implement same in the country to create successful businesses.

Exposure to successful business idols will boost their confidence and motivate them towards the culture of entrepreneurship.

The government of India will have a significant role to play in the entire process. India is by far not a tax friendly country. Therefore, leveraging tax incentives to investors will improve their sentiments, and the country will have more funds in fluxing.  Having said the above, the central government is rigorously promoting the startup culture by implementing various programs and revising laws and regulations.

Also, the following parameters have to be worked upon to achieve an investor friendly environment.

  • Starting a new business
  • Protecting investors
  • Getting credit from the market
  • Dealing with construction permits, reducing bottlenecks, and quick project clearance
  • Settling insolvency by getting the arbitrary into the picture
  • Getting electricity Registering property (must need)
  • Paying taxes and creating a tax-free investor environment.
  • Trading across borders Enforcing Contracts- International business

Train to Think Differently And Creatively

Getting new talents on board with all the skill sets remains a challenge for most startups. Firms can employ onsite training programs which will cost them less and would be efficient.

Training the potential young minds will not just help organisations to achieve success but also garner future leaders. Critical and creative thinking will contribute to attaining the expected results. 

LSI Keywords- Creating young leaders, entrepreneurship in India, startups in India
