DeepDream Algorithm – The New Way to See (Rank Princess – SEO)

Technology is moving ahead. And with it, so is our power to see the world in enhanced technological terms. The DeepDream Algorithm is like a whole other dimension of vision and changing visual data.

What Is DeepDream Algorithm?

DeepDream Algorithm is a program developed by Google. It works to find and accentuate various patterns in pictures, thus producing psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects.

This project has been designed to detect faces, and other patterns in your pictures to give it an abstract effect.

Why DeepDream?

Initially, this algorithm was developed by Google for an entirely different reason. DeepDream was created to analyse what a complex neural network sees while looking at a picture.

This was a program developed primarily for scientists and engineers. However, now it has taken an abstract art form. Or trippy psychedelic art.

And not to forget, DeepDream has become the pathway to new display pictures.

Prisma & DeepDream

Prisma is a rip-off from the parent program – DeepDream. DeepDream is an open source program. As such other web services and mobile applications are free to use and further develop the DeepDream Algorithm.

Prisma is one such rip-off which has become the favourite tool of modern social networkers. The pictures produce a trippy effect which is loved by the present gen.

Why So Popular?

The DeepDream Algorithm is a popular software because of a few reasons:

  • People love psychedelic and abstract art forms. It is almost as if you are hallucinating.
  • DeepDream lets you see the picture as a very complex neural network sees.
  • The fact that you can perceive what it is like to hallucinate popularises the program even more.

The Dreams of AI And How DeepDream Works

DeepDream recreates images in a way that seems dream-like. Interestingly, the recreated images are supposedly dreamed by the computers. The dreams of AI.

The process which is making artificial intelligence dream is called Inceptionism. Yes, after the movie Inception which dealt with layers of ideas.

In here, it is the AI which dreams in layers. And recreates the images we feed them. However, they cannot dream by themselves. They dream what we tell them to imagine.

We, humans, have the ability to conjure stuff, mix things up and create dream-like experiences. But computers can’t do that. Hence AI dreams of what we tell them to. Or, a preset bundle of instructions.

Changing the Way We See the World

It’s not so much changing the way we see the world as changing the way AI sees the world. Sounds weird? After all, how can AI see the world?

Well, it sees through the codes that humans are developing. But the outcome is so human like that it’s creepy. DeepDream allows the computer to recognise patterns and twist and turn them into hallucinogenic shapes.

Often, we humans find abstract and creepy shapes in clouds and tree leaves. DeepDream is recreating our vision through AI. What we see is being shown. Through lines of codes.

Isn’t it fascinating how technology is evolving so fast?

The Advancing Technology And The DeepDream World

It is clear that technology of the world is on a high, producing psychedelic images and feeding the imagination of the artists, thereby promoting abstract art. It is changing the world and how we see the world.

Efforts and questions are being raised. Could machines be created to dream on their own? Could they be made to be creative? Without human help?

The DeepDream Algorithm has apparently sparked off interesting and curious questions for the future. Visions and dreams are changing their meanings. And our perception too.

Maybe someday soon, the AI might dream on its own.

Primary keyword – DeepDream

LSI keywords – DeepDream Algorithm, Prisma, artificial intelligence, goals of AI, psychedelic images

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