5 Ways To Store Your Bathroom Towels Like A Pro (Rank Princess – SEO)

Picture this! You are on vacation. You have found the best hotel room to stay, albeit in your budget. You check the pictures online, and everything looks neat and clean, but when you arrive, the towels are laid out on the bed. Untidy, isn’t it?

Another scenario, your husband’s boss and wife are coming for dinner next week, and you want to stun them with your spotless home.

Although you have done a great job in keeping the hall and other access areas clean and inviting, it is now time to give your bathroom a makeover.

You decide that it is the right time to experiment on how to make this relieving spot calming and yet sophisticated. Anything that makes a good impression is great advice! Let us share some tips with you.

A traditional way to set the bathroom is to use aromatic candles or add potpourri. However, there are some beautiful ideas on how to store bathroom towels.

So how do you go about storing towels that will look great? We will show you five simple ways of storing towels.

  1. Towels in a Basket

One simple way to store any towel is to neatly roll it and put it in a picnic basket. In this way the towels would look great and also picking up a single towel will not mess up the entire pack. It is a very nifty way of storing towels.

  1. Towel Rack

A towel rack is very handy when it comes to storing towels. It is a designated place to keep them within reach but without making them look out of place. Towel racks are easily available in the market at competitive prices. You just need to find one that will suit your bathroom style and get it fixed. Then, storing towels would be as easy as a breeze.

  1. Standalone Shelves

Nothing is as tidy as a standalone shelf. All you need to do is stack the towels up neatly on the single shelf. One thing that is important to remember when adding towels to a single shelf is to not overload it with many towels as it might look untidy. A maximum of three towels would look more than sufficient.

  1. Toiletries Cabinet

If you are of the opinion that extra towels should be out of sight, then toiletries cabinet is the storage style for you. It is very easy to get hold of this piece of bathroom furniture. Toiletries cabinets are available in stores that sell bathroom fittings. It is a good idea to grab hold of one if your bathroom is spacious.

  1. Storage Ladders

This storage item is in vogue right now. If you are pressed for space but want your bathroom to look uber cool, Old-fashioned but modified ladders can do the trick. How does this work? The rungs of the ladders can be replaced with broader stands to accommodate towels and other bathroom essentials.

Your bathroom will look spic and span if you try these options. Your family and visitors to your home will be bowled over with your towel storage skills.

LSI Keywords

how to store bathroom towels

toiletries cabinet is the storage style

five simple ways of storing towels

towel storage skills


The Very Essential Project Management Tools Now a Click Away (Rank Princess – SEO)

Ever wondered how cool it might have looked if the software you use for managing those projects had a feel of an intergalactic experience, complete with aliens?

Innovative Ideas:

Such has been the demand to develop some of the trendiest and easiest to handle project management tools from various organisations that software developing companies are leaving no stones unturned to come up with some mind-boggling solutions.

A Common Goal:

Organisations thrive due to the efficient teamwork of its employees. This teamwork gains manifold strength when a common work platform is maintained through the application of project management tools aimed at simplifying undertaken assignments.

Trust Worthy:

Software development companies consider the making of project management tools as one of their best practices because that in itself gives their clients the essential characteristics of credibility and trust.

Just as the various client testimonials suggest, present on the sites of software development firms like Nostromo, with the use of project management tools, there is no more need for clarifying the status of a project as it is very much left for all to see.

The transparency that the project management tools offer enables companies to;

  • Keep pushing on with their work and acquire more projects in the course of business.
  • A whole team can plan their work and execute the project and then report back with the obtained result all in the comfort of one single application base thus increasing the work focus within an organisation.
  • The organisations that are spread spanning continents too can work on projects without any difficulties.

A Fast Spreading Base:

Since companies of every sphere and size are increasingly dependent now as the users of various project management tools, the tool developers have their clients across the globe. It is this inter-dependency of clients and tool developer companies that have resulted in a healthy relationship with more technological user-friendly advancements on the way.

Pulling in:

Various tool developer companies are also allowing interested parties to start their user experience for free. This shows the increasing competition between companies which are into similar development business.

The Latest of developments is evident from features like UI and UX that adds to the design and appeal, a glimpse of an example was discussed at the very start of this piece.

The Advantages of Using Tools:

  • The chief advantage invariably points out to the time that is saved while using the tools. Normally the time spent on every project by organisations can be put into built-in slots of time sheets.
  • Easy layout and organisation of tasks along team based communication.
  • The management of an organisation can figure out the time spent on every project and the hours logged in for the employees with one swift glance.
  • Clear out work as project management tools help choose and mark assignments in terms of priority.
  • A whole glimpse of the work with the easy manoeuvring of finished tasks for implementation.
  • Key data are also just mouse clicks away which are highly important for every organisation’s record.

Project management tools from the best of software development companies help bring about a radical change in the way of work for any companies with heightened productivity and the minimal of employee discomfort.

LSI Keywords: Project Management Tools, tool developer companies, software development companies, Nostromo


Best Practices in Project Management (Rank Princess – SEO)

If a project manager has twenty resources at five different locations for project duration of two months, how would the project function without coordination?

It would be chaos!

Coordination is key to a successful business. It can solve many, if not all problems. Earlier, this task was difficult as there was a lot of crucial information that was lost in translation and paperwork. But thanks to technology, a force to reckon with, project management has become efficient as seamless.

It is always a good habit to check out the best practices followed for efficient project management.

  1. Selecting the Right Resources

When adhering to good software development practices, one should always keep the overall outcome in mind. For this reason, the primary step that will ensure success is selecting the right candidate for the project.

If a project manager is simultaneously handling multiple projects, he/she would have to shift and reassign resources. Here, Nostromo comes in handy as it allows the project manager to add team members.

  1. Defining Roles

Projects often get misguided and botched due to vague role descriptions. To avoid this, it is important that each individual knows their capacities and responsibilities at hand. This will give clarity on who functions as what and when in the project. For project managers, it will also help to get updates about the project progress.

  1. Documenting Every Project Movement

One of the best practices for software development projects is documenting every strategy and production process. This is not only useful when tracking progress; it also comes handy if the organisation wants to patent processes and products.

  1. Defining Quality

In IT project management best practices, it is vital to define the optimum quality of output. Be it the production line or the quality checks.

  1. Making Estimations

Clearly, oversized budgets are never favoured, but that doesn’t mean that undersized budgets are appreciated. Hence it is always a good practice to make assumptions that are as real as possible. This will keep the project going and keep room for improvement.

  1. Defining Goals

When defining goals, it is important to map smaller milestones of the project along with the larger ones. It gives a heads-up to everyone involved in the project. Also, it is important to keep a software development best practices checklist.

  1. Mock Prototypes

It is important to create mock prototypes before working on the actual project. This saves time and energy and potential failure. Nostromo has an efficient system in creating mock project designs for reference

  1. Project Reviews

Reviewing the project’s key turns is vital. It will give inputs on whether the process is on the right path to progress or if it needs improvement.

  1. Support and Maintenance

Providing support and maintenance is elementary as it takes care of after service. Another lesser known addition is that if the organisation decides to build a new prototype. This information will serve as a basis for inputs in the new product or service.

There are tools like Nostromo that make project management easy. Such tools help individuals, teams, managers, and all those who are responsible for the project to communicate and clock in data accurately.

LSI Keywords

good software development practices

software development best practices checklist

best practices for software development projects

it project management best practices


Clearing the Clutter: Software Best Practices In Project Management (Rank Princess – SEO)

Making Lives Less Cluttered

That’s what software does, right? Helps you plan, manage, log and execute an otherwise incomprehensible and unconnected set of facts and data. Is there a workflow problem? Are tasks not being completed? Does responsibility need to be assigned? That’s what the software is offering – solutions. A simple logo like Nostormo’s ‘log your hours collaborate in design workflow’ catches the attention of a company that needs to streamline its work culture without micro management and hence frayed nerves.


A neat interface is a key to a software’s appeal. The old saying ‘a nice face is worth more than a hundred letters of introduction’ holds true especially in the over-crowded software development market. Nostomo’s functionality and design are clearly displayed on their product for this very reason.

Communication is the Key

Once the software is in place, communicate. All project stakeholders from clients to users need to be on board, and the core functions of the software need to be highlighted. For example, Nostromo makes it clear that you’re using ‘one tool only’ right from planning to results. Clarity on this will also help ward off unrealistic expectations on the part of clients.

Impact Assessment

A constant review of the software’s desired impact is needed – from entry level functionaries to top level management. Any breakdown in the chain of communication needs to be addressed immediately. Therefore, a response team needs to be in place and ready with solutions. It’ll be ideal if on-site, and real-time monitoring can be arranged but needless to say, a quick response can only add to a software support team’s credibility.


Learn from failure. So, every step of the way, note down what is going wrong and why. This is an underrated but valuable method of understanding systemic faults, and hence facts and data from previous failures will help you make better decisions in future.


Softwares don’t always work as intended. The best programming and algorithms are, at the end of the day, at the mercy of human beings. So always ask for feedback on how to simplify an interface or to streamline a function. Even if the changes that need to be made seem superfluous, make them anyway if it increases the everyday functionality of the software.

Keep An Open Mind

The scope of a project extends and expands every day. Nostromo’s ‘All-in-one project management tool for teams’ wasn’t designed in a day. It probably wasn’t conceived like that, but interaction with key stakeholders would’ve entailed vital re-designs and tune-ups that have expanded the scope of the software to encompass an ‘all in one’ product that is unrecognisable from the one that was conceived and yet richer in features and more complete in its functionality.

Wrap Up

This is extremely important, not just as a PR exercise but to get a sense of the software’s input to the project’s vision. It is also a good opportunity to reflect on one’s work culture and best practices and to get feedback on that. Not only does it help to optimise resources but also indicates on how these resources can be better deployed in future projects.

LSI: Nostromo, workflow problem, work culture, software development, design, real-time monitoring, communication, feedback, documentation, impact, best practices


Importance Of Lead Qualification (Rank Princess – SEO)

So what is a lead? A lead defined by Wikipedia is “The identification of a person or entity that has the interest and authority to purchase a product or service.” Leads nowadays usually refers to potential customers or entities that are interested in buying a product or service, and this usually means filling out a form online, or even a straight up physical DM form that can be filled out by hand!

But regardless of the entity the lead takes on, it is important that lead consists of the person’s contact details (Or the company’s contact information) so that the firm pursuing the lead will have the right information to target the required demographic, translating into potential sales. A qualified lead is, however, much different from just a “lead.”

What Is A Qualified Lead?

A qualified lead contains more than just information about the person or entity (Company) that is interested in your product. It contains the “Qualification” that company has towards buying your product.

This is done using the BANT approach which stands for Budget, Authority, Need, and Timescale.

  • By “Budget,” it means to analyse if the company has enough finance to purchase the product.
  • “Authority” refers to the decision of making the purchase.
  • “Need” means to analyse whether or not the service or product they are willing to buy can be of any use to them, and

Time usually refers to whether or not they want to make the purchase within a particular time frame.

With this newfound information, the company issuing the lead can now analyse and determine which leads can turn into potential sales, and which cannot. These leads that can turn into potential sales are called as qualifying leads.

To learn more about Qualified Leads click here.

Leads Classified As Levels

Now there are certain “Levels” within which you may rank a lead into:

Level 1: Any contact is a lead, even if it is the most basic of information.

Level 2: At this stage, it is important to know the position of the person in a company or the company’s data and stocks.

Level 3: It is important to acknowledge the leads at this point, whether or not the company in pursuit of the leads can issue the product.

Level 4: The Company needs to be clear on the requirements from the lead’s side.

If not it is important to hold back the lead until the prospect’s requirements are cleared.

Level 5: The firm pursuing the lead would issue the BANT at this point. It is important to hold off any progress until all the requirements for fulfilling BANT have been ticked off.

A “Sales Ready” lead is often more than not a very difficult thing to pull off. It requires the right judgment and the proper marketing to translate into a successful sale.

By following the steps that have been played out for the lead qualification such as BANT etc., a company can take advantage of its comprehensive marketing capabilities to find the right “Qualified Leads” that would translate into potential sales.





LSI Keywords

Lead qualification importance

Qualified lead contents

BANT approach lead qualification

Determining leads into potential sales

Leads classification by levels

Sales-ready leads

Steps for lead qualification

Requirements from leads in marketing


Five People You Would Meet In A Founding Startup Team (Rank Princess – SEO)

You can take it for granted that in the stormy startup world, there are bound to be instances where everything goes wrong. Only exceptional founding teams can stand through competition, funding issues, market fluctuations, staff departures, etc. and steer the boat to the safety of the shore.

So how you set up your founding team, more or less, decides the trajectory of your business.

A stellar founding team would incorporate a bouquet of personalities, each with a unique talent. So here is a list of the only five people you would need in your founding team to make it rock!

  1. The Prima Donna Leader

He is the Danny Ocean here, leading the pack of 11, or 5 in this case! He is usually seen as the honest, insightful, suave genius who would be manning the wheel through thick and thin.

He challenges the rest of the team, asking for things that everyone is unsure of. Filled with passion and authority to take a decision during conflicts or controversies, he is clearly the nucleus of the cell.

  1. The Veteran Designer

Although start-ups are usually formed around exciting new ideas, it helps to have someone who knows the direction of currents in the industry. The veteran is the person who has an understanding of the competitive landscape, PR campaigns and the design of the project.

He can identify customer needs to add all the relevant characteristics of the product. If you notice a dreamy professor in the group, with a ruffled hairstyle and sparkling eyes buzzing with ideas, he is the one!

  1. The Tech-Savvy Programmer

He is the geek, the nerve centre of the team, the member who puts together various technologies to build the product or service. He knows how to leverage technology to create a sustainable business model.

You can spot him wearing a crown, as he is simply indispensable. We like to call him the rainmaker who can load clouds with water crystals at the click of a button!

  1. The Lion of Sales

Startups with blazing ideas should not forget that someone should be at the helm, selling them. Enter the lion of sales. He is a customer champion who purely focuses on consumer needs and pitches the product in an intuitive, crisp and clear manner.

He understands the benefits of attuning to user feedback and is incessantly in the pursuit of finding more customers. You can recognise him easily, as he is the aggressive one in the pack with a blazing mane.

  1. The All-Rounder of Operations

He understands the burn rate, the viability and profitability of the business and he fine tunes the day-to-day operations of the startup, based on these calculations. Aggregating resources and raw materials and keeping track of their usage, all come under his umbrella. You can recognise him as the bespectacled youngster with an attitude that trumps it all!

On a final note, it is mandatory to collate great skills and varying personalities in the founding team. This is like an insurance policy that protects the boat during hard times. Pick people with similar beliefs on how they run their life, as this could come in handy in the long run.

LSI Keywords: Founding Startup Team, founding teams, Prima Donna Leader, Veteran Designer, Tech-Savvy Programmer, Lion of Sales, All-Rounder of Operations











Ace That GMAT- How To Improve Your Reading Speed (Rank Princess – SEO)

With graduation on the minds of a lot of MBA students, the much-feared GMAT is on the tip of everyone’s tongue. This test is considered to be extremely challenging, and with its importance in a student’s career, the stress is even more. It is imperative for MBA students to get a decent score to qualify for a reputed university of their choice.

GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test. It currently stands as a significant barrier to getting into 2,100 schools and 5900 programs all over the world.

With the challenging verbal section testing comprehensions and sentences with challenging grammar, learning the rules of the language becomes a necessity to solve the test under the time limit.

The average reading speed of a human varies from 200 to 250 words per minute, while it is easy to reach a reading speed of 500 words per minute by proper instruction and practice. This means that you can outdo your competition by improving your reading speed and thereby get better Gmat scores.

Keeping the needs of GMAT takers in mind, here are some extremely handy tips to improve your reading speed

  1. Let Go of Poor Reading Habits- There are some common reading habits that readers invariably practice on a day to day basis. Once we are aware of what practices cause our reading to become slower, working towards eliminating such habits can help us double our reading speed. Some of these habits are:

 –Sub-vocalisation: Sub-vocalisation is the habit of pronouncing every word in the head as you read it. This habit is very common in speakers coming from a non-native English speaking background. However, one must try to eliminate this habit as one can understand the meaning of a word way faster than one can pronounce it.

Word-by-word reading: This is another slow reading habit that should’ve been done away with in primary school. If you still carry this habit, try improving your general English proficiency, so you do not need to read the ‘expected’ verbs and pronouns between the inevitable nouns and adjectives.

Regression and Lack of Concentration: These two habits, along with bad reading go hand in hand.

Regression is the habit of re-reading already read material. This problem arises when you do not concentrate enough on what you’re reading.

In a fast paced GMAT exam, regression is a strict no-no. To avoid regression, you can inculcate the habit of running a pen or a pointer against the sentence you’re reading.

In the long run, you need to eliminate concentration issues. There is a whole list of tactics that you can utilise to improve your general concentration levels.

  1. Practice Makes Perfect-This famous one-liner holds perfectly in the case of improving your reading speed. Try to read everything you can get your hands on. Start your day by reading your newspaper. Read books and novels in your free time.

Practice from famous grammar books such as Wren And Martin. Read signboards, leaflets, questionnaires – essentially anything you can get hold of.

Here’s food for thought- An average graduate student only reads 5 to 6 books in their entire lifetime! More reading will surely result in better marks!

  1. Choose Easy Material to Start With- While reading Shakespeare will help at some point in time, starting with complex material is a bad idea. Try to read the works of local authors (who write in a simpler language) and work your way upwards. Also, do not limit yourself to a single author as you might get too acquainted with one writing style.

Professionals recommend the works of R.K Narayan, Sidney Sheldon, and Paulo Coelho.

  1. Learn to Skim Read- Skim reading is jumping over words yet still deriving complete meaning from the material at hand. In a study by useit.com, it has been found that one can derive the same level of understanding of an article by reading only 18{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of it.

Once your reading skills improve, GMAT becomes half the threat that it once was considered to be. Besides helping you to ace GMAT, quick reading skills are something you’ll cherish for your entire life.

LSI Keywords- How to improve reading comprehension for GRE, GRE reading comprehension practice, GRE reading comprehension tips and tricks

Reference Links-







Ace That GMAT- How To Improve Your Reading Speed (Rank Princess – SEO)

With graduation upon the heads of a lot of MBA students, the next step is quite worrisome- GMAT. This test has stood iron hard against students with its difficulty and importance. It is imperative for MBA students to get a decent score to qualify for a good university of their choice.

GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test. It currently stands as the barrier to get into 2,100 schools and 5900 programs all over the world.

With the verbal section filled with comprehensions and English sentences with twisted grammar, learning to read quickly becomes a necessity to solve the test under the time limit.

The average reading speed of a human varies from 200 to 250 words per minute while it is easy to reach a reading speed of 500 words per minute by proper instruction and practice. This means that you can outdo your competition by simply improving your reading speed and get better Gmat scores.

Keeping the needs of GMAT takers in mind, here are some extremely handy tips to improve your reading speed

  1. Let Go Of Poor Reading Habits- There are some common reading habits that readers practice invariably. Once we are aware of what practices cause our reading to become slower, working towards eliminating such habits can help us double our reading speed. Some of these habits are-

Sub-vocalisation- Sub-vocalisation is the habit of pronouncing every word in the head as you read it. This habit is very common in speakers coming from a non-native English speaking background. However, one must try to eliminate this habit as one can understand the meaning of a word way faster than he can pronounce it.

Word-by-word reading- This is another slow reading habit that should’ve died with primary school. If you still carry this habit, try improving your general English proficiency, so you do not need to read the ‘expected’ verbs, pronouns, etc. between the inevitable nouns and adjectives.

Regression And Lack Of Concentration- These two habits attached with bad reading go hand in hand.

Regression is the habit of re-reading already read material. This problem arises when you do not concentrate enough on what you’re reading.

In a fast paced GMAT exam, regression is a strict no-no. To avoid regression, you can inculcate the habit of running a pen or a pointer against the sentence you’re reading.

In the long run, you need to eliminate concentration issues. There is a whole list of tactics to use and foods to eat for concentration, but that is a topic for another day.

  1. Practice Makes Perfect-This famous one-liner holds perfectly in case of improving reading speed. Try to read everything you can get your hands on. Start your day by reading your newspaper. Read books and novels in your free time.

Practice from famous grammar books such as Wren And Martin. Read signboards, leaflets, questionnaires, anything you can get your eyes on.

Here’s food for thought- An average graduate student only reads 5 to 6 books in his entire lifetime! More reading ushers in better marks.

  1. Choose Easy Material To Start With- While reading Shakespeare will help at some point in time, starting with complex booksis a bad idea. Try to read the works of local authors (who write in a simpler language) and work your way upwards. Also, do not limit yourself to a single author as you might get too acquainted with one particular writing style.

Professionals recommend the works of R.K Narayan, Sidney Sheldon, and Paulo Coelho.

  1. Learn To Skim Read- Skim reading is jumping over words yet still deriving complete meaning from the context at hand. In a study by useit.com, it has been found that one can derive the same level of understanding of an article by reading only 18{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of it.

Once your reading skills improve, GMAT becomes half the threat that it once was. Besides helping you to ace GMAT, quick reading skills are something you’ll cherish for your whole life.

LSI Keywords- How to improve reading comprehension for GRE, GRE reading comprehension practice, GRE reading comprehension tips and tricks

Reference Links-







Ace That GMAT – How To Improve Your Reading Speed (Rank Princess – SEO)

Studying abroad has become a popular alternative to continuing with our Indian education system. But, after the increase in the number of people opting to pursue their higher studies abroad, many competitive exams got introduced to filter the applicants.

One such immensely popular exam is GMAT (or Graduate Management Admission Test). This test is meant for students interested in graduate management programs, like MBA.

More About GMAT

GMAT is, primarily, an English exam which tests your reading, analytical, writing, and quantitative skills in the language. It is not a measure of your business aptitude, rather an analysis of your capabilities to solve problems, use of logic in certain situations and critical reasoning.

The total time limit for the exam is three and a half hours in which you have to complete four sections. Each section must be given equal importance for a decent score.

Sections Of The GMAT exam:

The following points will relate the divisions of the GMAT and the approximate time allotted for each:

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment: This section consists of questions that analyse argument and should require 30 minutes to be completed.
  2. Integrated Reasoning: This part focuses on reasoning skills and interpretation of graphics and tables. 30 minutes are assigned to this section.
  3. Quantitative: It is a measure of one’s problem-solving abilities. It takes 75 minutes.
  4. Verbal: Reading comprehension, critical reasoning and sentence correction are the core elements of this subdivision, which takes about 75 minutes.

Why Is It Necessary To Improve Your Reading Speed?

With such time pressure to complete the paper, most examinees commit mistakes or skip questions. As you have read earlier, only 75 minutes is allocated to complete the verbal section which consists of reading comprehension questions.

So, it is vital that your reading speed is enhanced to match the deadline for solving this section accurately.

The verbal section consists of 41 questions among which 13-14 questions are of reading comprehension type. It consists of long paragraphs which may have 300 to 350 words and short passages have 200 to 250 words in total. Long passages have four questions, and short ones have three questions related to the passage.

How To Improve Your Reading Skills?

Often, in the haste of completing a passage, students miss out on the actual information that is conveyed by the passage. Therefore, it is integral to read the passage carefully, rather than quickly.

What is highly recommended is to time your reading of the reading comprehension passages during practice. Read more and more paragraphs to enhance your reading speed so as to take 2.5 minutes for a short passage and 3.5 minutes for a long passage.

On an average, most people have found the reading speed of 200 words per minute is good enough for the test-takers to complete the verbal section under the time limit.

However, it is better to read the passage carefully and identify the key points of the passage. This section, in fact, tests how you will perform when you have to read memos and articles as an MBA graduate.

So, your goal must be to follow the argument explained in the passage and not memorise it. Map the critical points by jotting down the important parts of the passage. Use shorthand writing or any other method of your convenience to achieve this.

When you have to answer questions, you can easily refer to your notes and answer with ample time to spare. After all, it’s easier to improve your writing speed than your reading speed!

So, with plenty of practice, you can easily achieve high scores in GMAT and enrol yourself into your dream college. Ivy League education is just a few passages away!

LSI: how to improve your reading skills, necessary to improve reading speed, achieve high scores in GMAT, enhance your reading speed, pursue higher studies abroad, studying abroad








5 Tips To Land A Job In The Hospitality Industry (Rank Princess – SEO)

The hospitality industry is a service industry that includes planning, management and building quality relationships between guest and host in all subcategories within the tourism industry.

Hospitality Industry Has Numerous Opportunities

A hospitality unit is something like a hotel, restaurant or amusement park, and such places have various types of jobs for the maintenance of the facility, and management of operations.

Hospitality as an industry is a fairly new concept. However, securing a job within the industry is not necessarily very difficult as it is an ever expanding industry with a lot of jobs. People are spending more than 1.5 billion nights in hotels and other similar establishments, and the number is set to grow.

There is room to accommodate the job requirement of different people and skillsets. The number employed increased from 7.4 million to 9.3 million between 2003 and 2008. 

Here are five tips that will help you get a desired job in the hospitality sector:

  1. Dream High, Start Low

Ambition is a good thing. It sets a target and lets you work towards it. While your ambition may be to be a part of the management group, it’s not easy to directly start at that position.

It is advisable to look for entry-level openings. You may think that washing dishes or cleaning rooms are the most thankless jobs the industry offers, but they can help you get a foot into the industry. They also have ample scope that allows you to work your way up. Also, there is never any dearth of job openings at this level.

  1. Experiment to Find Your Fit

It’s not always possible to know exactly what job you are looking for in the industry, especially as you start your journey. In such cases, seasonal work and internships are a good option to try out various types of job and pick one that suits you the most.

Seasonal work is easy to get in the hospitality sector. Job opportunities increase with the onset of peak tourist seasons and festivities. In fact, the longer you work on such part-time basis, the more are the chances for you to be inducted into a full-time job in the future.

Chicago Tribune in 2012 stated that there was a 10{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} increase from 2011 in the number of part-time workers who got retained for a permanent position.

  1. Step Out of Your Hometown

Most job vacancies are present in large resorts, national parks, and popular tourist destinations. Starting at a big place, even if it is an entry-level job, gives valuable work experience and is a big boost to your resume. It will aid in getting a job at a higher position later.

It is not always possible to secure a job in your hometown. Hence it is worthwhile considering suitable options outside as well. The benefits might not be apparent at that moment, but you could certainly reap dividends of such a move in the longer run.

  1. Versatility is Key

The good thing about a growing industry is that you don’t have to be restricted to a particular role. Being versatile opens more doors, and lets you experiment with various roles. In fact, some companies expect you to take on varied roles, so it’s imperative to keep an open mind.

It could go a long way to earn brownie points with your employer if you do whatever job is assigned.

  1. Don’t Let The Long Hours Scare You

The hospitality industry has erratic timings because of the fluctuations in demand. If you’re expecting a predictable, well-scheduled 8-hour job, then perhaps this sector is not suitable for you.

Night shifts and long working hours is very often required, especially for entry-level and mid-level posts. So be proactive to take on workload and don’t shy away from long work hours. This enthusiasm and willingness will surely send a positive message to a potential employer during an interview!

LSI Keywords:

Hospitality industry, tourism industry, hospitality sector, hospitality, entry-level openings, seasonal work, internships, tourist destinations, amusement parks, national parks, luxury destinations


  1. https://www.livecareer.com/interview-tips/industry/hospitality
  2. http://www.portablecareer.net/hospitality-jobs-tips-for-getting-the-job/
  3. http://blog.oxbridgeacademy.co.za/5-tips-for-a-successful-career-in-hotel-management
  4. https://www.facebook.com/notes/academy-of-learning-college/going-into-the-hospitality-industry-5-tips-to-get-your-foot-in-the-door/10154504451454373
  5. http://www.portablecareer.net/hospitality-jobs-tips-for-getting-the-job/
  6. https://targetjobs.co.uk/career-sectors/hospitality-leisure-and-travel/advice/286355-how-do-i-get-a-job-in-hospitality-leisure-and-tourism

