The Best PM For Your Startup?(Rank Princess- SEO)

Should your startup have a person exclusively for taking care of your company’s products? If you ask me, the answer is yes since startups have to operate in a dynamic environment.

The offer of the startups needs to be constantly tuned to the market opportunities and demands. You should hire a product manager who can think about your products and how to make them a zipping success. The person will be responsible for innovating product ideas based on product and market research.

Who Can Be A Product Manager?


A product manager should be a person who knows the product and the industry in and out and has management qualifications with specialization in marketing. If your startup has a technical product, then the product manager needs to have technical as well as marketing specialization.


Before having a product manager the product management function was most probably being looked after by you the founder(s) of the startup with the assistance of team members. The appointed product manager should be given due authority to seek required inputs and information from the startup team members and should report to the founder-entrepreneur(s) of the startup.


Product Manager is a senior position than product executive hence some experience in product management of similar products is also desirable. Experience of three to five years would be most suitable for your reporting structure. If you are impressed with ]fresh talent, then you can assign product executive role during probation and confirmation as a product manager.

Skills and Aptitude

Your product manager besides having the desirable qualifications and experience needs to have a penchant for the challenge and a love for innovation. The person should be driven by growth and achievement motives.

What Can Be The Selection Procedure?

Source Of Applicants

Recruiters can opt for internal as well as external selection to hire a product manager. The vacancy announcement should spell out the candidate profile which should be in sync with the job description and key responsibilities.

Written Or Online Test

Eligible candidates can be assigned a written or online evaluation to test for product and industry knowledge as well as marketing and innovation aptitude. You can yourself set up the test or provide your inputs to the test setter.

Personal Interview

Candidates who qualify the written test can be called for a personal interview with you. During the personal interview, you can ask the candidate the reason for preferred job profile, industry and company and the candidate’s expectations.

Selection Method

Quantitative scaling method is an objective and simple selection method. The candidate’s qualification, experience, personality, performance in written test and interview can be scored on a scale of five. Parameters can have sub-parameters. The individual scores of the sub-parameters and parameters should be added up to get the total score and candidates can be ranked with the help of these scores.

Job Offer

The job offer is usually given to the highest scoring candidate. The second highest scoring candidate is called if the first candidate refuses the offer or fails to join.

LSI Keywords: Hire a Product Manager, PM, Product Manager, Product and market research, Product management function, Product executive.


Hiring the Perfect All-In-One Product Manager(Rank Princess-SEO)

A product manager (PM), is at the bottom-most link of the chain, the job description is such that of an artist, workman and scientist in one. The PM coordinates with many other departments in a company to execute their ideas.

Leadership without authority is what they are duly described as. PM’s are an integral part of the team, in creating a new product, to execute and maintain the product.

A PM is a Role-Player

In big and established businesses PM’s are selected from their qualifications and years of experience as key points. In start-ups, however, a PM is not a specialized field. It is expected that the candidates are multi-tasking and have knowledge of the generalities of other fields.

Hiring of a PM

The eligibility of candidates for being good Pms can be found by testing certain skills and traits:

  • Problem-solving technique: Product manager is a tricky role to play; it requires a lot of creative thinking. They are expected to turn the setbacks faced to a different solution.
  • Communication Skills of candidates should be off the charts. PM’s are a part of the well-oiled machine; they are expected to maintain the status quo in the machine.
  • An attribute that is often expected of candidates applying for PM is empathy: Thinking from the minds of their clients and customers. To create or discover a product that fulfills their wants and needs satisfactorily.
  • Natural leadership ability: they are expected to lead and coordinate with other teams to ensure the product is launched into the market fit.
  • Curiosity for and a thirst to find out new ideas and techniques to make sure the product satisfies the needs of your customers and still is innovative.
  • The failure of any product generally lowers the morale of a team. The candidate is tested on how he can adapt to the failure and glean from the mistakes or challenges is crucial. A PM is also expected to motivate and push for a better product in the future.
  • Passion sums up the attributes that are often seen in a PM. Passion is a tricky thing trait; it needs the drive of motivation and inspiration to ensure that a product is launched successfully in the market.

PM’s Are Expected To Prove Their Worth

A Product Manager is a unit that is expendable at any time. It is required of the candidate to be functional in any other part of the team too. A candidate with strong technical background, leadership and communication skills is not expendable in the least.

The PM is required to be confident in various aspects of the functioning, design, and marketing of the product. Instincts and the innate quality to turn setbacks in favor of product are valued highly in the character traits of the PM.

Product Managers are expected to experience and learn from their failures and push for innovation. In start-up businesses job descriptions of PM require them to do a little bit of everything and work as a part of the team. The perfect Product Manager thrives on the possibility to achieve success.

LSI Keywords: product manager, strong technical background, leadership and communication skills




Working Out at Home Isn’t Just Possible, It Might Even Be Better (Rank Princess-SEO)

To be healthy: A goal so simple, and yet it’s saddening how often people begin their fitness journey but give up on it mid-way. Been there? Of course, you have! We all have. But don’t blame yourself anymore. This time it’s going to be different.

Yes, we know that you’re busy. Yes, we understand the household pressure as well. But what we don’t understand, however, is you letting those factors become a roadblock on your journey to a healthy, better body. It doesn’t have to be that way. Read on to find out why it won’t.

Why Plans Crash

You not being able to join a fitness regime could be attributed to various factors:

  • Lack of a good gym nearby.
  • Unavailability of dedicated time for working out.
  • Unaffordable gym memberships and associated costs.
  • Lack of proper guidance at the gym.

There could be other reasons as well stopping you from achieving the body you desire. Truth be told, the fault lies in the very operating model of the fitness industry. While all gyms do a great job at making us sign up for their annual packages, very little is done to keep us going.

It is for these reasons that the effectiveness of gyms and other fitness programs is sometimes questioned. The solution? Remove fitness centres from the equation and keep the regime. Sounds impossible? Welcome to Mobiefit.

Fit at Home

The founders of Mobiefit realised the need for personalised and professional fitness training that can be availed without leaving the house. The result was the Mobiefit Body app.

The Mobiefit app allows you to work out your entire body at home without using any equipment at all. You read that right: zero equipment.

For the development of the Mobiefit Body app, the development team worked closely with fitness experts and personal trainers to ensure that you get the very best of what the health and fitness world has to offer.

How it Works

The effectiveness of the app lies in its simplicity and adaptability. The Mobiefit Body app doesn’t have a fitness plan for all of you. It has a fitness plan for EACH one of you. The app works closely with you to understand your needs, goals, available time, and work out area and complies a fitness regime that is unique to you.

When you’re working out at home, your work out revolves around body weight exercises. These are the exercises that use, you guessed it, the weight of your body to activate your muscles and tone your physique.  The app has a library of over 250 training videos and over 47 exercises. You simply feed your initial physical data, goals, workout intensity, and you’re good to go. You will receive personalised guidance to perform those exercises and advance through your program.

The app calculates the duration of your workout, the calories burnt, the number of sets of each exercise performed and keeps track of this data to compile a chart of your progress over time. The included challenges will keep you focused and hungry to reach your goal. The more you achieve, the more you’ll be motivated. The more motivated you are, the more you’ll achieve.

Is It for Me?

Do you wish to be healthier tomorrow than you are today? If yes, then the app is for you. So, whether you are a busy professional who can’t allocate gym time, a student bearing the burden of exam prep, a homemaker who’s too caught up in other commitments or any individual who can’t make it to a fitness centre, Mobiefit is for you.

With Mobiefit Body, you save on gym memberships, personal trainers and fancy gym outfits (c’mon let’s be honest) and avail great personalized training at any time you want, at the place of your choice.

All you have to do is make a choice: A choice to leave behind the life of procrastination and negligence of your health; a choice to take control of your health and doing something for it. All you have to do is make these simple choices, and we promise you that your body will thank you for it.

LSI Keywords

Working out at home

Home workout plans

Mobiefit health plan

Mobiefit Body app

No equipment workout

12 Easy Home Workouts Lose Muffin Top


Working Out at Home Isn’t Just Possible, It Might Even Be Better (Rank Princess-SEO)

To be healthy: A goal so simple, and yet it’s saddening how often people begin their fitness journey but give up on it mid-way. Been there? Of course, you have! We all have. But don’t blame yourself anymore. This time it’s going to be different.

Yes, we know that you’re busy. Yes, we understand the household pressure as well. But what we don’t understand, however, is you letting those factors become a roadblock on your journey to a healthy, better body. It doesn’t have to be that way. Read on to find out why it won’t.

Why Plans Crash

You not being able to join a fitness regime could be attributed to various factors:

  • Lack of a good gym nearby.
  • Unavailability of dedicated time for working out.
  • Unaffordable gym memberships and associated costs.
  • Lack of proper guidance at the gym.

There could be other reasons as well stopping you from achieving the body you desire. Truth be told, the fault lies in the very operating model of the fitness industry. While all gyms do a great job at making us sign up for their annual packages, very little is done to keep us going.

It is for these reasons that the effectiveness of gyms and other fitness programs is sometimes questioned. The solution? Remove fitness centres from the equation and keep the regime. Sounds impossible? Welcome to Mobiefit.

Fit at Home

The founders of Mobiefit realised the need for personalised and professional fitness training that can be availed without leaving the house. The result was the Mobiefit Body app.

The Mobiefit app allows you to work out your entire body at home without using any equipment at all. You read that right: zero equipment.

For the development of the Mobiefit Body app, the development team worked closely with fitness experts and personal trainers to ensure that you get the very best of what the health and fitness world has to offer.

How it Works

The effectiveness of the app lies in its simplicity and adaptability. The Mobiefit Body app doesn’t have a fitness plan for all of you. It has a fitness plan for EACH one of you. The app works closely with you to understand your needs, goals, available time, and work out area and complies a fitness regime that is unique to you.

When you’re working out at home, your work out revolves around body weight exercises. These are the exercises that use, you guessed it, the weight of your body to activate your muscles and tone your physique.  The app has a library of over 250 training videos and over 47 exercises. You simply feed your initial physical data, goals, workout intensity, and you’re good to go. You will receive personalised guidance to perform those exercises and advance through your program.

The app calculates the duration of your workout, the calories burnt, the number of sets of each exercise performed and keeps track of this data to compile a chart of your progress over time. The included challenges will keep you focused and hungry to reach your goal. The more you achieve, the more you’ll be motivated. The more motivated you are, the more you’ll achieve.

Is It for Me?

Do you wish to be healthier tomorrow than you are today? If yes, then the app is for you. So, whether you are a busy professional who can’t allocate gym time, a student bearing the burden of exam prep, a homemaker who’s too caught up in other commitments or any individual who can’t make it to a fitness centre, Mobiefit is for you.

With Mobiefit Body, you save on gym memberships, personal trainers and fancy gym outfits (c’mon let’s be honest) and avail great personalized training at any time you want, at the place of your choice.

All you have to do is make a choice: A choice to leave behind the life of procrastination and negligence of your health; a choice to take control of your health and doing something for it. All you have to do is make these simple choices, and we promise you that your body will thank you for it.

LSI Keywords

Working out at home

Home workout plans

Mobiefit health plan

Mobiefit Body app

No equipment workout


Give that gym a miss and work out at home instead, like a Pro! (Rank Princess-SEO)

If you’re someone who has been working out at home, there’s no one better than you who knows how convenient and effective it is. If you can resist the temptation of turning on the TV or cuddling in your soft couch, working out at home could turn out to be the best thing for you.

Men and women are from different planets, they say. When it comes to their workout preferences, we can agree with that. While most men prefer pumping iron in the gymnasium, women would rather do yoga from the comfort of their homes. So whose fitness regime is better, you ask? Well, no one-size-fits-all, but each person stands to benefit from the experience of the other.

Recent surveys suggest most women no longer are in the pursuit of finding the motivation to drag themselves to the gym; most of them are now happy to work out at home instead. So what then has caused this shift in the pattern? Let’s find out:

Saves travel time

Modern women are multitaskers – they play multiple roles during the day – that of a wife, a mother, a homemaker and a working woman. She leads an extremely busy life and every minute of her time is very important for her.

Working out at home saves a tremendous amount of time for the quintessential modern woman. She doesn’t have to wade through mad traffic which is an unavoidable byproduct of modern cities nor travel long distances just to get to a far-off gym.

Working out at home can be fun too

Technology is evolving every single day. And so are the options for working out at home. There are a plethora of mobile applications, fitness DVDs and game consoles available today. Not only do they make working out interesting but they help you achieve desired results in a very cost-effective way.

Home workouts allow you to wear what you want to

Workout in your comfortable pyjamas, wear your geeky glasses or that drooping t-shirt, without any hesitation. You can wear what you want to, for nobody is judging you for what you’re wearing.

Also, save yourself from shopping for that dreaded spandex.

You can split your workout throughout your day

For women who have small children or a husband who need them all the time for tiny things, finding even thirty minutes of uninterrupted workout time can be quite a challenge.

Instead of not working out altogether, wouldn’t it be better if you work out for short periods of 10-15 minutes each?  Working out at home gives you the flexibility to do so.

It is easy to do a short uninterrupted meditation

It is a good practice to meditate for a while after every workout session. And we bet you can never do that at the gym. Workout from the comfort of your home and end your workout session with a short meditation.

Spend some time in your kitchen doing some thoughtful thinking

Eighty percent of our fitness is directly dependent on what we eat. We’d do much better if instead of thinking so much about our workout routine, we spent some quality time in our kitchen thinking and preparing a nutritious meal.

Who needs the StairMaster when you have the actual stairs?

Your home has the potential to give you a brilliant cardio workout. Run up and down the stairs, pull out that skipping rope, and dance as if no one is watching or do some yoga exercises – options are plenty.

Germ infected machines of the gym aren’t for you

Women, those of you who want to lose weight and aren’t keen on going to the gym, you’re on the right track. Machines at the gymnasium are used by a countless number of people every day and may be laden with germs. As if worrying about tedious workout routines wasn’t enough, you would have to worry about potential infections too. Workout at home instead and watch the fat melt away.

If you’re finding sticking to your workout regime and consistently going to the gym difficult, why not design a home-based workout routine that’s easier to follow and is enjoyable? Here’s to a healthier, stronger and energetic you!

LSI Keywords: working out at home, pumping iron in the gymnasium, Modern women are multitaskers, uninterrupted meditation, Germ infected machines of the gym, work out for short periods.


Give that gym a miss and work out at home instead, like a Pro! (Rank Princess-SEO)

If you’re someone who has been working out at home, there’s no one better than you who knows how convenient and effective it is. If you can resist the temptation of turning on the TV or cuddling in your soft couch, working out at home could turn out to be the best thing for you.

Men and women are from different planets, they say. When it comes to their workout preferences, we can agree with that. While most men prefer pumping iron in the gymnasium, women would rather do yoga from the comfort of their homes. So whose fitness regime is better, you ask? Well, no one-size-fits-all, but each person stands to benefit from the experience of the other.

Recent surveys suggest most women no longer are in the pursuit of finding the motivation to drag themselves to the gym; most of them are now happy to work out at home instead. So what then has caused this shift in the pattern? Let’s find out:

Saves travel time

Modern women are multitaskers – they play multiple roles during the day – that of a wife, a mother, a homemaker and a working woman. She leads an extremely busy life and every minute of her time is very important for her.

Working out at home saves a tremendous amount of time for the quintessential modern woman. She doesn’t have to wade through mad traffic which is an unavoidable byproduct of modern cities nor travel long distances just to get to a far-off gym.

Working out at home can be fun too

Technology is evolving every single day. And so are the options for working out at home. There are a plethora of mobile applications, fitness DVDs and game consoles available today. Not only do they make working out interesting but they help you achieve desired results in a very cost-effective way.

Home workouts allow you to wear what you want to

Workout in your comfortable pyjamas, wear your geeky glasses or that drooping t-shirt, without any hesitation. You can wear what you want to, for nobody is judging you for what you’re wearing.

Also, save yourself from shopping for that dreaded spandex.

You can split your workout throughout your day

For women who have small children or a husband who need them all the time for tiny things, finding even thirty minutes of uninterrupted workout time can be quite a challenge.

Instead of not working out altogether, wouldn’t it be better if you work out for short periods of 10-15 minutes each?  Working out at home gives you the flexibility to do so.

It is easy to do a short uninterrupted meditation

It is a good practice to meditate for a while after every workout session. And we bet you can never do that at the gym. Workout from the comfort of your home and end your workout session with a short meditation.

Spend some time in your kitchen doing some thoughtful thinking

Eighty percent of our fitness is directly dependent on what we eat. We’d do much better if instead of thinking so much about our workout routine, we spent some quality time in our kitchen thinking and preparing a nutritious meal.

Who needs the StairMaster when you have the actual stairs?

Your home has the potential to give you a brilliant cardio workout. Run up and down the stairs, pull out that skipping rope, and dance as if no one is watching or do some yoga exercises – options are plenty.

Germ infected machines of the gym aren’t for you

Women, those of you who want to lose weight and aren’t keen on going to the gym, you’re on the right track. Machines at the gymnasium are used by a countless number of people every day and may be laden with germs. As if worrying about tedious workout routines wasn’t enough, you would have to worry about potential infections too. Workout at home instead and watch the fat melt away.

If you’re finding sticking to your workout regime and consistently going to the gym difficult, why not design a home-based workout routine that’s easier to follow and is enjoyable? Here’s to a healthier, stronger and energetic you!

LSI Keywords: working out at home, pumping iron in the gymnasium, Modern women are multitaskers, uninterrupted meditation, Germ infected machines of the gym, work out for short periods.


The Three Main Types of Design Documentation & their Differences

For a person from a non- digital design background, the various forms of design documentation such as Wireframe, Prototype and Mockup might mean the same. Many people use these words in an identical context. It is wrongly assumed that these words mean the same kind of sketch that is full of boxes, representing an innovative idea.

  Wireframe, Prototype, and Mockup differ from each other, communicate different things, and they serve different purposes. They are the various forms of representing the final product.


The wireframe form of representing a design is less accurate than mockups and prototypes. It is a low fidelity representation of a product. It should answer the questions of what, where and how. This method depicts:

  • The broad content of the idea in groups
  • The structure of flow of information
  • A short description and a basic opinion of the user

 Wireframes serve as the prominent backbone of your design, and they represent an important part of the final product. Wireframes should be conceived quickly. Its creation requires constant communication with the fellow team members. The creational process should not take long.

  The most commonly used colours on a Wireframe are black, grey and, white, and blue for links. The use of icons and images can be simplified by substituting them with placeholders.

  When created carefully, a Wireframe perfectly conveys the correct design.

The Usage of Wireframes

 Wireframes are mostly used in the documentation of a given project. They should be accompanied by a written note explaining the interactions when needed and other technical documentations.

  They can also be used in an informal atmosphere like communication within a team, as they are simple in form. They are not used as a testing material.


   A Prototype is a high accuracy representation of the product. It provokes user-interface interaction. When a user uses prototype, he should:

  • Be able to interact with the interface and experience content
  • Interact and test the representation in a way similar to the final product

  A Prototype will not resemble the final product to the last detail, but it will have a significant percentage of similarities. The interactions are the most important part of Prototype, and they should be modelled with accuracy. 

Prototype Usage

Prototype finds their maximum usage in user testing. This is an accurate method to check the usability of the interface before the development process begins.

  Though the documentation with Prototype takes the effort to understand, it is the most impressive form of design documentation. It is also expensive and consumes time. It is adequate for simple projects.


 The Mockup is a middle path to a high accuracy design representation. Mockup, as the name suggests, is a visual draft of the webpage. It can also be an actual layout. 

  A Mockup method of documentation:

  • Represents the flow of information
  • Helps gain vision into the content
  • Help demonstrate the functionalities
  • Projects the visual content of the project

The Usage of Mockup

Mockups are used for gathering feedback and when an early buy from a stakeholder is essential. They are high in accuracy, and they are quicker to create than the other forms.

  The right method of design documentation can be chosen based on the problem at hand, the target group, and requirements of the product.

LSI Keywords:

Forms of design documentation, Wireframes, The Usage of Wireframes, Prototype, user-interface interaction, Prototype Usage, user testing, Mockup method of documentation, Mockup, The Usage of Mockup



Contrasting Shades of Wireframe, Mockup & Prototype

A lot of individuals from non-IT backgrounds tend to confuse between wireframes, Mockups and prototypes for designing webpages. Most of them start to synonymise these terms. However, we are here to clarify these terms in a simplified manner.

We are here to narrate a step-by-step guide as to what these terms mean, how they help and what exactly is the difference between Mockup prototype and wireframe.


As the name suggests, the term “WireFrame” is a schematic blueprint or a skeletal visual framework for a website. It forms the core foundation of the design that answers the following questions:

  1. What will be the main content bucket?
  2. Where will the information be displayed (The structure)?
  3. How will the interface interact with the user?

Wireframes are free of colours, logos, styles as the primary focus lies on content, functionality, and behaviour.

How does it help?

–    Forms the backbone of the design

–    Can be easily edited

–    Design Map can be reviewed

–    Focus is on available functions


A Mockup is a precursor to a full-sized model of a design used to showcase the actual visual design. It’s the stage at which colours, logos, fonts and texts are added to the web-design, thus adding life to the webpage.

How does it help?

– Can be edited easily

– Good for stakeholder feedback

-Quick Creation

Mockups form a coloured map for the stakeholder to review them and give constructive feedback. They allow the web designers to make changes based on the comments in a fast manner thus making alterations easy.


A prototype is a final representation that helps in simulating the interaction with the user interface. It is the end product that completes the map with colours, logos and functions. This plan helps the stakeholders understand how the webpage will “behave” with the actual user.

How does it help?

–  Facilitates interaction with the interface by experiencing content

– Allows Pre-launch testing

– Checks the “usability” quotient of the product

– Creates engagement for the viewer

Prototypes are quite expensive for designing communications and can also be quite time-consuming. Thus, it’s best to keep Prototypes for the final testing stage.

Now that you are aware of the terms, let’s analyse how they rank on various aspects:





Ease of Alteration


















 It can further be concluded that the underlying structure design via wire-frame is the most price-friendly option followed by Mockup and then prototype. It is best to edit at the wire-frame level as it’s quite easy to make alterations at this level. It’s best not to spend too much time on designing wireframes as interaction level is the least at this stage. 

By the aforementioned variations, the inferences drawn are as follows:

  1. A wireframe is a black and white blueprint of web-designs.
  2. The prototype is the final product that acts as a tester for users and interaction interface is best at this level (out of Wireframe, prototype and Mockup)
  3. The Mockup is a coloured map that is livelier than wire-frames, however making changes at this level isn’t as easy as for wireframes and isn’t as hard as that of prototypes.

Keyword: Contrasting Shades of Wireframe, Mockup & Prototype



MoMagic Technologies: 14 Million Users. Seven Countries. One Success Story.

The key to success in the industry, MoMagic believes, is bridging the gap between what technology has to offer and what users want from technology. And this formula seems to be working for the company as it wins the award for the fastest growing mobile internet company in India.

A Mobile First World

Technology has been evolving at an unprecedented rate in the last decade. What this means is that what might have been a groundbreaking idea yesterday, could be obsolete tomorrow. The constant category creation and disruption that we witness is proof to that. But there is an exception.

The exception we’re talking about are the tiny screens we spend our days staring at. The presence of mobile phones has not been challenged. In fact, it only seems to get stronger. And MoMagic knows this all too well.

There’s an App For It

The single biggest advancement in the history of mobile phones is them becoming smart. And the sole credit for that goes to mobile applications.

Apps have put the bank in your pockets. And they’ve done the same with the tickets, office, fitness instructor, celebrity chef, etc. You get the idea!

It’s Possible

MoMagic is a classic example of the small percentage of companies which recognize potential where it’s present and learn to harness it early on. The app ecosystem is a similar story.

Starting off as content developers for feature phones, this young company sensed when the tide was turning to smartphone territory. And now, it has some of the widest deployment of mobile applications across platforms and in multiple countries.

Seizing the Moment

When MoMagic entered the market, it was evident that they were striving to provide a profitable and consistent user base to app and content developers through Mobile User Acquisition.

It was a simple goal, and yet the industry was shaken with the response MoMagic received.

Partnering with the chipset maker MediaTek, manufacturing giant Foxconn, MoMagic put its efforts in the technological advancement of the company itself and widened its partner base across the globe.

These were signs that MoMagic was doing something very right, something that would pave the way for future expansion of the firm.

It’s All In the Detail

Though functionality is great, at the core of MoMagic’s philosophy is end user experience.

This attention towards users allows MoMagic to gain valuable knowledge about Consumer Behaviour and enable app developers to have a wide and profitable user base that pays for the services it benefits from.

The future, the chief of Momagic believes, lies in Online Distribution and further enhancing its partnership strategies with new players in the market. That’s a lot of work.

Under The Spotlight

The result of all that work? Over 10 million new users in 2016, growth predictions of 50{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616}, and numerous awards for excellence.

Now in its sixth year, the company is looking to spread its feet even further and experiment in other business areas and other countries in Asia.

Possible plans for the company include using its substantial consumer base and user behavior expertise to try and create a similar success story in the Advertising and Marketing industry.

So whether you are an investor, market analyst or just a student interested in tech, MoMagic Technologies is one company to set your eyes on.

LSI Keywords

MoMagic app market leader

MoMagic consumer base

MoMagic business partnership

MoMagic success story


Why MoMagic is Front Ranked in the Mobile Internet and Applications Ecosystem

The Indian technological applications industry is undergoing a sudden spurt in growth, thanks to the various initiatives of the Government. Though the growth has stimulated in the start-up trend, there are a few players in the field who are the early entrants. MoMagic is one such technological company that entered the arena of applications development before the onset of aggressive growth.

About MoMagic Technologies

MoMagic is a private limited tech company based outside Noida, India. The company has its presence in India since the year 2011, and it currently functions across five nations in South East Asia. The company has more than a 125 million app installations to its credit.  It is involved in the distribution of mobile apps both online and offline.

  Apart from applications, the company also engages in content distribution. In a short span of time, MoMagic has emerged as a bigwig in the mobile internet market and app environment. The company’s partner enterprises are Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), start-ups, e-commerce players, production houses and gaming houses.

MoMagic is a commonly used mobile platform, and it is delivered to the customer through all three core channels namely Factory Level Preloads, Retail Offline Stores and Online User Acquisition Platform. Since it was among the first few companies to enter the mobile internet ecosystem, nobody understands the market better than MoMagic. As a result, it is vitally associated with the end customer.

  MoMagic is a dominant player in the areas of innovation and development, and while developing applications, services, and own products, the company is looking at a dynamic expansion.

Investing Partners

The principal investor of MoMagic Technologies is MediaTek, a company that specializes in system-on-chip for mobile devices, DVD, wireless networking, and HDTV. In November 2015, FIH Mobile Limited owned 10{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} stake in MoMagic. FIH is a global tech company that provides green manufacturing services.

Numbers that reveal that MoMagic is the Industry Leader

As of 2015, MoMagic had more than 90 million users in India. This figure includes 75 million phone and smartphone users (as a result of OEMs), 12 million smartphone users through Over the Air (OTA) sources and close to three million users through offline sources.

   The first eight months of 2015 saw a rise of 15 to 18{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of application installations. This number is on a monthly basis. The most popular application categories that were installed include Social Network, Games and entertainment related apps.

  In the offline user acquisition platform, MoMagic is ranked Number 1 in India. The number of impressions per month is currently more than 10 million. The 10 million mark was made across 250 cities that include 15000 retail shops and 30 million app user acquisitions through the offline platform.

  The reasons for the tremendous result in the offline platform are due to lesser usage of internet services in Tier II and Tier III cities, along with network issues.

The Future Scenario

MoMagic is expecting a tremendous growth in the revenue this Financial year and more than twice the existing increase in workforce. 

  The current growth rate of the handset market is said to be between 25{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} and 30{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616}. MoMagic is looking to expand its user base by 12 million more by the financial year 2015-2016. With the Government of India promoting the Make in India and Digital India initiatives, a colossal growth is predicted for the Indian app and m-commerce environment.

LSI Keywords:

Technological applications industry, technological company, applications development, distribution of mobile apps both online and offline, content distribution, mobile platform, developing applications, MediaTek, smartphone users through Over the Air, users through offline sources, application installations.

