Boost Your Business Using Google Optimize (Rank Princess)

Google Optimize is an analytics and optimization tool that can be efficiently utilised to test the quality of your landing page and improve your website content. Optimize offers services like website testing and personalization experiences that are needed to create engaging online experiences that tempt and interest your customers.

Google Optimize can be easily used to boost online sales and digital marketing or brand communication.

Google Optimize is the free version of Optimize 360, an enterprise-grade tool that contains a collection of products that aim to help an enterprise understand its customers on the basis of marketing and data. Optimize 360 can be used to test, analyse, optimize and personalize the user experience of all potential customers visiting your website.

Products/Services Offered

Google Integrations- Optimize offers integration services that can be used to customize and improve customer experience.

  • Google Analytics – Optimize is based on detailed consumer behaviour and segmentation data that are available in Analytics. Analytics can be used to identify the website areas that need to be improved upon and to measure website experiments against business objectives. It can be used to formulate a strategy to influence consumer behaviour and conversion.
  • Google BigQuery- Analytics 360 customers, can send their data to BigQuery for large-scale data analysis.

Experiment Services-Optimize offers different types of experiments for your website testing needs.

  • A/B testing, also recognized as split testing, entails the comparison and analysis of multiple descriptions of a landing page, web page or mobile app feature to determine which one executes better in terms of user engagement, growth in revenue and improvement in a website’s conversion rate. Conversion rate refers to the percentage of users who are influenced into performing the desired action. One example would be the percentage of website visitors that buy something on the website.
  • Multivariate Tests allow you to test multiple elements on a page so that you can figure out the best outcome for your website through trial and error.
  • Redirect Tests or split URL tests, are similar to A/B tests. In the case of redirect tests, the different versions being tested are identified by the URL instead of the elements on the page. This test can be used to evaluate two very different landing pages or a completely new design.

Visual Editor- Optimize enables you to create multiple variants, without going through the hassle of having to recode your website every time.

  • The WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editor enables you to create multiple versions of your web page without any re-coding; you just have to click for editing. This feature can also be used very easily by non-technical teams.
  • Visual Editor Diagnostics alerts you to potential problems.
  • Mobile Web Editor enables you to configure mobile experiments for users. You can see how your web page looks on different devices and screens using this feature.
  • Sophisticated Code Editing provides you with the ability to HTML codes, or add JavaScript or CSS directly to provide your users with great experiences.

Targeting- Google Optimize provides you tools to customize website experience for your customers and choose visitors for your site experiments.

Reporting- Optimize uses Analytics and Bayesian statistical methods to efficiently analyse your data and the results of your experiments to give accurate reports of the expected impact on your business.

Experiment Management-Optimize offers features like an activity log, experiment preview and user permission for easy management of the experiments being conducted for your business.


Optimize is a highly inclusive tool that offers a wide range of products and services for enhancing your website’s quality and conversion rate. Customer reviews have praised its performance and called it easy to use in comparison to similar products like Visual Website Optimizer, Optimizely and Google Content Experiments.

LSI Keywords: analytics and optimization tool, customer engagement, digital marketing, A/B testing, multivariate tests, redirect tests, Google Analytics, experiment management.


Thought IVF Isn’t An Option? Here’s Why You’re Wrong! (Rank Princess – SEO)

In Vitro Fertilization has proved to be a boon for many who have given it a chance. Over 5 million babies have been conceived with the help of this Assisted Reproductive Technology since its inception in 1978.

However, there’s still a long way to go before people start seeing it for what it is – a potentially beneficial surgical procedure with plausible risks involved.

Having been around for only four decades, IVF is still a relatively new procedure. However, many of the fears and concerns have remained since that era. Like any technology, IVF continues to evolve as scientists through further study reduce the risks and side-effects involved every year.

How Likely Is IVF To Help You Have A Child?

The rate of successful pregnancies from IVFs resulting in live births (according to the 2014 report from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology) was 18{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} for women aged 41 and 42. And although an IVF success rate of 5{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} doesn’t seem like a big number, it still provides a chance for a woman beyond her menopause to experience pregnancy.

It is natural for women to experience decreased fertility rates with age. From ages 30 and 40, a woman’s chances of conception fall to half her peak. A woman of 40 is four times less likely to conceive each month than she would have been a decade earlier.

Out of all ART techniques, IVF is the most successful. Even if a pregnancy is not achieved in the first cycle, the process can be repeated. Your doctor can find out how your body specifically responds to treatment to ensure things go better the next time around.

Other Advantages Of IVF

With IVF, your doctor can examine a few cells of your embryo to check for genetic diseases before implantation, through the process of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Although the ethics of this practice is debated, with it, you can have peace of mind knowing that your baby will be healthy and won’t have to deal with a life-altering debility.

In case your first cycle of IVF doesn’t go as planned, healthy embryos from a PGD can be cryogenically preserved, so you have the option of attempting again.

The Controversy Over IVF

Ethical issues with IVF are widely prevalent. Many debate that making in vitro fertilization mainstream will put more pressure on women to become pregnant. Some religious bodies believe it is morally wrong, including the Church, which believes any method of conception other than intercourse between a man and a woman prevents reciprocal and responsible love.

Becoming pregnant is a mutual decision between two partners which should only be influenced by their desire to create life and experience it together. Any question of coercion is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. IVF is only a means to procreate.

A couple unable to have children naturally have as much a right to be called parents, whatever their orientation or sexuality may be.

The stigma against IVF continues to decrease as it is accepted by more and more couples wishing to get pregnant. On average, one couple out of every six face problems with fertility around the world. With IVF, one day every couple will be able to experience the wonders of childbirth.

LSI keywords: In Vitro Fertilization / IVF, IVF ethical issues, IVF controversy, IVF success rate


Giving Birth Through IVF Isn’t a Remote Option (Rank Princess – SEO)

Conceiving a baby is the ultimate dream come true for every couple wanting to step into the shoes of a parent. But what stand as a barrier in the path to that dream are medical conditions that render a couple to be without a child.

New Generation:

Medical science intervention over time to solve this problem has resulted in various methods and ways of treatment. And one of the most popular ways that was once quite famous across the world by being known to produce ‘test-tube babies’ is in vitro fertilization or IVF in the abbreviated form. A whole new generation of babies was born to this treatment.

Breaking Barriers:

More modern techniques have later on developed over the years, like the process of artificial insemination involving the human sperm to be placed in the uterus for natural conception to take place. But can IVF be entirely ruled out, and is it just a myth of being branded as an unsafe option is the topic of this piece.

Surely IVF does involve some complexities and along comes its very expensive nature. No wonder in the modern context, going by reports, only 5{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of couples take to treatment through IVF. However, records suggest a staggering statistics where close to more than 200,000 babies have seen the light of the day and been born through IVF.

Where is the Process Effective?

Medical conditions leading to infertility for both men and women can be various. If we are to name a few, then the list may run as:

  • Endometriosis where the uterine lining tissue is outside the uterus instead of inside causing severe pain amongst other symptoms.
  • Men can have low sperm counts. Along with inability of sperms to penetrate the cervical mucus.
  • Other problems are underlining the areas of the uterus and fallopian tubes such as blocked tube passage and more.

Keeping it All Alive:

IVF’s success remains in the fact it never got shunted away as a medical practice. It is a revered technique that is due for consideration when all other treatment measures like artificial insemination, fertility drugs amongst others take a back seat. However, it must not be mistaken to be a last ditch effort.

What Goes on?

To draw a picture which would help readers understand the IVF procedure,

  • It is here where a woman gets her first treatment in the form of fertility drugs. These drugs act by stimulating the production of mature eggs manifold.
  • After the eggs are matured, a needle is then placed into the vagina to have the eggs removed.
  • The retracted eggs are placed in a laboratory dish to be treated by the method of sperm washing. Or to understand more clearly, with the help of a very fine needle-like apparatus, sperm is injected into the nucleus of one egg.
  • Fertlization is detected in no time as soon as the injected egg begins to show the symptom of cleave or break up into multiple cells.
  • The embryos are then needed to be placed back in the uterus after about 72 hours of fertilization.

Such a treatment measure helps infertile couples to achieve their dream of having a baby of their own that too with their eggs and sperm. This is possible as unlike other more modern and advanced pregnancy-related treatment options, no donor sperm or eggs are used.

LSI Keywords: In Vitro Fertilization, Artificial Insemination, Natural Conception, Fertility Drugs, symptom of cleave, placed in the uterus for natural conception, Embryos, advanced pregnancy related treatment options, donor sperm


Thought IVF Isn’t An Option? Here’s Why You’re Wrong! (Rank Princess – SEO)

The lifestyle hazards of the modern age are among the many factors contributing to the global rise in fertility and health problems. In Vitro Fertilization or IVF offers an effective solution to the problem of infertility.

The first IVF baby in the world was born in England, in the year 1978. Since then IVF has helped millions all over the world achieve their dreams of having a child. IVF is a highly feasible option that can help you to have a child of your own.

In vitro refers to a process that is performed or that takes place in a test tube, culture dish or outside a living organism and in an artificial setting. IVF at the most simplistic level involves egg fertilization in a test tube and then embryo transfer to the uterus. IVF has a much higher success rate as compared to other fertility treatments like Artificial Insemination and IUI or Intrauterine Insemination procedures.

When is IVF an Option?

IVF is recommended for couples who suffer from the following issues:

  • Anatomical problems like blocked fallopian tubes or pelvic adhesions with a distorted pelvic structure.
  • In a case of severe male infertility due to a low sperm count or low motility.
  • In a case of failure after 2-4 cycles of ovarian stimulation with intrauterine insemination.
  • In case the mother-to-be is over 38 years of age.
  • In the case of a low ovarian reserve or low egg supply.
  • In a case of severe endometriosis.

Procedure and Stages

  • Stage 1- is ovulation induction, during which the fertility specialist monitors your ovulation and the time of egg release. Fertility medicines or hormones are given at this stage to stimulate egg production. The more eggs you have, the higher the chances of success. If you are unable to produce any eggs, you can use donor eggs for IVF.
  • Stage 2- involves the extraction of eggs for fertilization. Pain medication is given to reduce any discomfort during the extraction process.
  • Stage 3- is fertilization. The sperm sample whether from your partner or a donor is secured, and the most active sperm is mixed with the egg in a special chamber, or sometimes the sperm is injected directly into the egg. They are then put into an incubator and are monitored to ensure that a healthy embryo develops.
  • Stage 4- consists of embryo transfer and implantation. The healthiest embryos are selected for transfer and are then carefully placed into your uterine cavity. Bed rest for 24 hours is often recommended after the IVF process has been completed.

Wrapping It Up

You may have to go through 2 to 3 IVF attempts before you achieve success. However, once you are pregnant, it is not very different from a pregnancy established naturally. Additionally, IVF pregnancies are not considered to be high risk.

So, if you thought earlier that IVF was not an option for you, after going through the information provided above, you can revisit your previous position. You can also visit your local fertility specialist for more information. With a higher rate of success, IVF can prove to be more cost-effective than IUI or AI which may require multiple attempts for successful fertilization.

LSI Keywords: fertility problems, in vitro fertilization, high success rate, severe infertility, egg fertilization, donor egg, sperm donor, embryo transfer and implantation, cost-effective, fertility treatment.


Chengdu Wolaila: “How Disruptive Approach Creates Opportunities” (Rank Princess – SEO)

The still emerging- but quite a rapid one at that- economy of China is an ocean of opportunities and presents an immense market to various start-ups to grow: with the highly economic prospects which allow the rising companies to generate higher growth rate.

One such company that has shown rapid emergence into the Chinese market is Chengdu Wolaila. This software company provides e-commerce services and a 24-hour express delivery service through its internet portal known as Sposter. It also develops and markets the applications for Android users and iPhone users.

What Is The Sort Of Work They Exhibit Under Their Services?

It has surfaced as the largest smart delivery box operator in the world. For its drop off services, it makes use of the network which is operated on the basis of the pin code of the area. The extent of its reach in the Chinese market can be estimated by the fact that it has 30 million subscribers throughout the communities of China and it serves the deliveries estimated at an average of 1 million per day.

It also keeps track of the consumption habits of its customers by collecting data from the day to day communications with them. Based on this analysis, it recommends value-added services, which serve the everyday needs of the customers that can include everything from food to clothing to pensions and medical treatments.

Where Has A Simple Start-up Led To?

This company bagged the first position in Deloitte Asia Pacific Tech Fast 500 where an evaluation is carried out of the various companies in the Asia Pacific region based on their average revenue growth.

With its 25239 percent of exceptional growth, it provided a demonstration of how the new technology, with its innovative mechanisms, is shaping everyday life of the people by transforming various business models for the simplification of the lives of the customer. As quoted by the head of the company, “Chengdu Wolaila shows how a disruptive force can create opportunities.”

Chengdu Wolaila aims at improving the experience of its customers by providing a quick and reliable nature of service. Seizing the opportunities driven by the demands of the customers, they have harnessed the technological opportunities at hand in China.

In the end, it all comes to providing a marked experience to its customers with its sizeable team and operational staff. They lay strong emphasis on innovating their services to enhance customer satisfaction, and so that they can act quickly in any case of technical problems reported by customers.

How It Keeps Growing

Keeping in line with its idea of growth and innovation, Chengdu Wolaila has now started an offline advertising business. The success of this endeavour is marked by the fact that it generated two-thirds of their revenue in the previous year.

Alongside, the company also focuses its efforts to understand the ever-changing demands and preferences of the customers and to provide filtered and custom tailored solutions to their problems.

LSI Keywords: internet portal known as Sposter, Chengdu Wolaila, offline advertising business, Deloitte Asia Pacific Tech Fast 500, technological opportunities at hand in China


‘Moo’vers and Shakers of the Dairy Sector- Stellapps Technology Pvt. Ltd (Rank Princess – SEO)

The dynamic field of technology witnesses disruptive innovations on a daily basis. Wearable technology is one of the recent breakthroughs in this sector with smart watches, smart clothing, and even smart jewellery changing the way we use technology in our lives. 

Stellapps Technologies, in keeping with the disruptive spirit of the world of technology, has taken things a step further by introducing the combined power of Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, data analytics and most importantly, wearables to the Dairy Industry. So if you thought wearables were only for humans, think again. The cows have joined the trend.

For the Animal Spirits

Stellapps Technologies’ innovative applications leverage technology to target the agri-supply chain by enabling the monitoring of production and procurement of milk, animal insurance, and farmer payments. Its focus market includes cooperatives, dairy farmers, milk unions, dairy equipment manufacturers, and private dairies.

While India is the largest consumer of milk, accounting for 16{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of the global milk production, the techniques used in the industry are highly obsolete.  Moreover, the industry is highly fragmented with the average cattle size being that of 2 -3 milch cattle and the average farmer being categorised as small or medium sized. India has the highest number of farms and cows in the world, but some of the worst productivity levels with the regular dairy farmer working more than the average professional and yet failing to bring in profits.

Stellapps Technologies has done its research and is well aware of the revolution that technological intervention could bring to the Dairy Vertical.   Focusing intently on the milk production stage and keeping an arms’ length from the marketing of the produce, Stellapps is providing multiple, knowledge-based automated solutions to optimise the milk production process while maintaining a check on the cattle’s health.

The Journey

Stellapps Technologies’ 5 co-founders have known each other since their very first job at WIPRO. Bound by their common entrepreneurial ambition, the need to ‘work towards the improvement of life’, it was in their late 30s and early 40s that they realised that ‘if not now, then never’.  Frequent discussions helped them to filter their options to something in the fields of agriculture and health, which was further narrowed down to the niche dairy sector. 

None of them had a background in agriculture or dairy and had to spend quite some time doing their homework. Their lack of prior knowledge turned out to be a blessing in disguise rather than a handicap as it lent them a fresh perspective, enabling them to come up with innovative solutions.

Products and technology

Stellapps’ products are designed to optimise the entire chain of milk production process right from setting up the correct infrastructure and housing facilities for the cattle to the power requirements for the construction and operation of the biogas plants. The SmartMoo application is an end-to-end farm services product which focuses on fresh milk production, improvement of productivity, protocols, cost optimisation, and real-time data use.

It includes SmartAMS which is a milk line built automatic milking systems and Smart BMC which is the finest milk chilling apparatus with mobile and internet empowered management. It also includes End to end farm setup services, Farm Layout Design & Modeling, Bio Gas setup for off-grid farm power and Consulting for productivity improvement and input cost optimisation

Other products include smartFarms which is a cloud-based farm and herd management system, ConTrak which enables internet based, real-time management of cold-chain and many others.

Stellapps Technologies has been set up with the motive of its co-founders to do some good in the world. Hence, it aims to work with the farmer and make profits only when the farmer makes the same. Their revenue is derived from a fixed portion per litre of milk which allows Stellapps to cover its cost and the farmer to not feel the pinch.

Globally too Stellapps is very competitive when compared to similar players in other countries. This is because their pricing includes the entire budget right from the infrastructure development to the milking and storage. The data collected from the sensors is directly transmitted to the veterinary experts, and the analysis takes place in the cloud.


Founded in April 2011, Stellapps Technologies is today India’s first Dairy Technology Solutions Company. Nurtured at IIT-Madras ‘Rural Technology Business Incubator’ and funded by Omnivore Partners, Stellapps has managed to carve out space for itself and currently has 200 customers pan India which includes many Tier one customers along with several small customers.

The company has also spread its good work across the globe by selling its solutions to a Dutch company for deployment in Kenya and has sales in Nepal through its North Indian Partners. A majority of the well-known names of the Indian and Foreign dairy names are clients of this start-up such as Hatsun, Heritage, Thirumala, Haldiram, Akshayakalpa, Prabhat Dairy, KMF, AAVIN, MILMA, Shri Laligurams (Nepal) and Smart Dairy (Netherlands).

LSI Keywords: cloud computing, data analytics, wearables to the Dairy Industry, Farm Layout Design & Modeling, Bio Gas setup for off-grid farm power and Consulting for productivity improvement


Flying Color: Highlights of Selecting Ideal Business Spaces In UAE (Rank Princess – SEO)

In the global business arena, the market has become more competitive for each and every local and global business firm.

To solve this problem, companies have to strategically look at a selection of business locations. Not only from the customer’s perspective but also from a business standpoint.

It is important for a company to plan and locate its facility or business centre to reduce costs and increase profits.

However, placement and selection of business entity are cumbersome as well as expensive if the company wants multiple centres.

More often than not, if an organisation’s expected profits do not match its plan, the organisation has to let go of the space. That would mean a dead investment in business terms.

UAE is a Known Haven For Technological Advancements

Many global organisations also prefer this country for investments as it has state-of-the-art facilities and a cosmopolitan crowd that means a more diverse customer base.

UAE is also closely connected to other Gulf countries. Hence, business entities can also establish their bases in surrounding countries.

Many organisations consider taxation as a major aspect when planning to rent properties abroad. UAE has a low taxation policy hence, more profit to the organisation.

UAE has the 31st position, as awarded by the World Bank regarding financial capability.

The barrier of language as a means of business communication plagues the Arab nation, but in UAE, English is preferred for doing business.

UAE is Liberal In Its Approach As Much As Western Countries

UAE also has the best Internet penetration. Hence, the IT infrastructure is one to be considered when selecting a domain for business.

When selecting and setting up a business centre in UAE, the organisation must take into consideration the topography of the establishment.

The establishment should have good facilities like water, electricity, etc.

The location is an important factor when looking out for a business space. Again, facilities-centric locations will cost more than slightly offsite spaces.

In this sense, the organisation will have to look out for the best property to rent and make a decision quickly whether to buy it or not.

Another keyword when renting out office space is the price. In these terms, Dubai is blessed with a range of prices for commercial spaces to suit every business’s need.

Many spaces have hidden costs which need to be looked at. So when you go office hunting ask the broker specifically for any stealth costs involved in renting the property.

Since UAE already has a wide range of spaces, it is better to determine how much space a single individual would need to conduct his/her duties. Work out the actual floor space before approaching a dealer.

Even though the selection of business entity is not possible but choosing the right area for coordination and easy availability of resources is crucial.

Hence, when renting commercial properties in Dubai, one should think of They provide a range of services for Dubai mainland and all free zone purchases.

LSI Keywords: selection of business locations, selection of business, selection of business entity



Flaunt your South Indian Love by Adding these Kannada Elements to your Home (Rank Princess – SEO)

If you are a proud South Indian, chances are that you want to hint at your Kannada heritage in your home. And even if you are not, there’s a lot to like about their simple yet elegant design choices. So, here are a few elements you can add to your living place to give it that South Indian spice.

Rangoli & Floor Murals: Design from the Ground up

Rangoli or Kolam, as it is traditionally known, is perhaps the first thing that comes to our mind when we think about South Indian culture.

Rangoli is a drawing made on the floor using rice powder, white or coloured. It follows a geometric floral pattern but may also be an imposing figure depending on the occasion.

It is made as a welcome sign for visitors and especially the goddess Lakshmi but is also a sight to behold without its religious value.

Metallic Art Pieces: Fashionable and Forever

If you have visited any temples in Karnataka, you must have noticed the intricately carved bronze statues all over the place. You can bring that royal palace look to your home as well.

Start with the miniature idols and figures and then move on to brass bowls and Urili. Not only are they beautiful and relatively inexpensive, but they are very durable (of course) and develop a beautiful patina over time.

Jhoolas: A Swinging Addition

Yes, we all know and love swings, and many of us have one in our balcony or the living room. But what makes a Kannada or a South Indian swing different is its solid wood construction and intricate carvings.

Not only are these jhoolas a favourite among the kids, but a breath of fresh air among the all-too-similar crowd of sofas and bean bags.

Carved Wood Furniture: Traditional yet Timeless

Now, furniture is a highly subjective matter and one design feature that can make or break the plans you had for your house. So it has to be done right.

If you are going for a Kannada theme, the right choice would be to steer away from the leather ones and adopt a more classy and wooden approach.

South Indian furniture is the perfect blend of utilitarian and rustic design with grand and sophisticated touches. Be it your bed, coffee table, or the wardrobe; the furniture looks traditional with carvings and ridges amplifying the theme you desire: pious, floral or geometric.

Make it Colourful: As Vibrant as the Culture

No, the dull white and grey colour schemes have no place in your Kannada themed home. Out with the dull and in with the vibrant and the cheerful.

Paint the walls in poppy colours like blood red or ocean blue. In addition to that, use colourful design elements such as traditional paintings, coloured lamps, doormats, etc. You are only limited by your imagination.

These are some of the design ideas you can implement for a traditional South Indian vibe in your house. Remember, that you don’t have to be an interior designer with a master’s degree to have a pretty home. All it takes is an open mind and a sense of adventure.

LSI Keywords

Kannada elements to home

South Indian home décor

Traditional interior designs

Kannada design ideas

South Indian art in homes


Adding the Kannada Touch to the House (Rank Princess – SEO)

Kannadiga arts, crafts, and culture have developed over the centuries to a high level of beauty and elegance. For buying home décor and art to add the Kannada element to a home, here are a few pointers. 

If a home is where the heart is, then why shouldn’t it look like the best part? Adding an artistic touch to our homes keeps us rooted, it does. And there are few homes which have richer cultural heritage and art/craft influence than the Kannadiga.

Now, it would be presumptuous to say this is an exhaustive list. By no means. But what we’ve mentioned below constitute the “Oh, how could you not?” list. These items are the gems of the bucket-list, so to say.

Bidri the way to a classy home

There can be no discussion on adding the Kannada touch to a home without dwelling on bidri work. Luxury can have no more unique vision than Karnataka’s bidriware.

Intricate silver inlay work over blackened zinc-copper alloy; bidri work can be found in vases, trays, mirrors, and cases, and much more. Any of them have the power to bring the onlooker to a complete halt. Buying bidri work brings the classiest part of the state, nay the country into your home.

Kannada arts and crafts have many forms, but rarely any cultural craft-work brings this level of elegance with itself.

Kinnal for knick-knacks, anyone?

Kinnal or ‘Kinhal’ art is one of the oldest art forms in Kannada cultural heritage. Kinnal is made from wood, natural colour, pebbles/semi-precious stones and paste of tamarind trees as glue. This is possibly one of the closest amalgamations of art, culture, and nature that can be found.

Kinnal home décor items can be had in toy figurines of people, animals, and birds. Made in bright hues, buying Kinnal handicrafts for the mantel and the showcase brings vibrant splashes of colour to your daily life.

Incidentally, channapatna is another traditional Karnataka artform which turns out exquisite lacquered and painted toys. An ancient tradition, channapatna toys can range from surprisingly affordable playthings for children to wildly expensive figurines made over several months of labour. Dealer’s choice!

Other arty doodads to make a home

Nameplates. Now that’s an item which nobody thinks too much about. But everyone notices a stand-out piece. Kannada art and crafts have turned the little nameplate from a placid announcement to an understated luxury.

The traditional Kannada nameplate is a masterpiece of wood, lacquer and love. Lightweight wood is treated, tinted and decorated in the traditional cursive script before being lacquered over to give ageless beauty to your name and household.

More Kannada kitsch for you

Incense and woodwork, oh, another two gems. Kannada arts and crafts would scarcely be complete sans these two. Some of the country’s most delicate aromas are captured into scent sticks to be bought the world across. And it would be a sin not to have a bidri incense holder and traditional incense sticks burning once the evening starts. Unless you’re asthmatic, then you can skip this.

Kannada arts can form the cornerstone when you’re planning to do home-improvement. Buying bidri work, kinnal and channapatna figurines and woodwork are but a few ways of adding the Kannada touch to your traditional home decor.

For bringing the artsy, ethnic Kannada feel to a home, the above pointers should hold you in good stead. And the nameplate. Don’t forget that.

LSI Keywords:
1) Bidri work
2) Kannada arts (also used with ‘Kannada kitsch’)
3) Channapatna
4) Kinnal ( also with ‘home decor’)


Looking To Start A Business? Startup at Mahindra World City, Chennai! (Rank Princess – SEO)

A budding entrepreneur’s ground to soar high and dig their pennant in the pages of Forbes; Mahindra World City is India’s first operational SEZ (Special Economic Zone) and the country’s first integrated business city. It is a public-private venture by Mahindra Group and TIDCO (Government of Tamil Nadu Enterprise).

A General Overview

Mahindra World City, Chennai breaks the norms of conventional business zones. It is a carefully carved corporate ecosystem that is integrated to operate with regulation and efficiency.

Cementing its formidable position on the business map of India, Mahindra World City cloaks corporate giants like Capgemini, Infosys, Lincoln Electric, Renault-Nissan, Tesa SE, Federal Mogul, Parker Hannifin, Wipro and many more. The third quarter of 2017 marked the number of companies in this integrated business city to be at 64.

Mahindra World City in Chennai spans over 1550 acres and houses established tycoons of the corporate world from varied business divisions and sectors like information technology, fashion, apparel, auto, etc.

Luxury automobile player BMW rolled out their plant for the latest vehicle 3 Series Gran Turismo in MWC Chennai.

General Attributes of the Business City

What makes this a breeding ground for dynamic and aspiring entrepreneurs?

Chennai’s Mahindra World City is India’s first IGBC Gold certified green township. Located on NH 32 (earlier NH 45) on the Golden Quadrilateral, it is one of the prestigious projects of the Government of Tamil Nadu.

The distinguished zones for different sectors are: –

Specific SEZs for three different sectors – IT, Auto Ancillary, Apparel and Fashion Accessories

It also houses a Domestic Tariff Area (DTA). Exports to DTAs are liable for all taxes and duties which are liberalised in a SEZ or EOU.

The last one entails a residential zone comprising amenities and infrastructure for social and retail purposes. Mahindra World City also sells and rents out apartments and flats for accommodation.

It also facilitates waste and water treatment provisions. They have in-house management for this purpose.

Logistics and Transportation

Mahindra World City is well connected and easily accessible via road and railways alike. The Paranur railway station is on site. It is about 35kms away from Chennai International Airport and about 55kms from Chennai Seaport. Paranur station is the first station under the venture of a corporate giant and Southern Railways.

Thus, this business city facilitates feasible transportation and economically smooth movement of goods, labour, etc.

Financial Highlights

This Chennai’s SEZ has indicated reasonable growth in exports every financial year. Till quarter 3 of 2017, it has marked exports of worth INR 8,567 Crores.

Mahindra City job vacancies flourish tremendously every year, employing more than 95,000 employees in 2017.

The investments tied up in this project amounts to be at an impressive INR 5,105 Crores.

Sibling Projects

Mahindra World City also has a sibling project located in Rajasthan, Jaipur.

It employs over 29,141 people. Hence Mahindra World City Jaipur jobs generation is considerable, and it houses around 71 companies presently.

LSI Keywords –

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