Illustrations – The Exceptional Curios (Rank Princess – SEO)

As a nation, we have failed time and again to celebrate the value of art, though our history declares otherwise.  The large part of the population still considers art as a non-essential affair, not paramount to our living. In the recent years, the scenario has begun to change. More people embrace the craft, and there an increase in its patronage. The success of art biennials in prominent cities across the nation are proof of this fact.

An Introduction to Illustrations

   An illustration is simply a printed work of art. It can be anything from a drawing to a painting or a simple sketch. Illustrations mostly accompany any text, which can also be of commercial nature. For several years illustrations were predominantly a part of newspapers and magazines.

  One can commonly find illustrations in comic books, cartoon strips, greeting cards, advertisements, and as animation. Many techniques are used to create illustrations, like sketching and painting.

  To replicate these illustrations processes such as woodcuts, etching and lithography were commonly used. Since the advent of technology, the graphic software is used to create illustrations. Among the most widely used software are Photoshop, Abode Illustrator and Corel Draw.

 A few illustrators, however, stick to the traditional methods of pen and ink, watercolours, and wood engraving.

The History of the Craft

   The origins of illustrations are as old as civilisation. From the cave paintings of India to the ones in Spain, different races have embodied this form of art. These caves have several illustrations of what the people observed around them. The artwork on the cave temples of Ajanta and Ellora are renowned for their unique style. It has survived thousands of years since its inception.

   From the earliest collectives, it is apparent that several rulers and kingdoms across the Bharat continent patronized art. From the Mauryans to Guptas to the Mughals, there have been great connoisseurs of art. Before the Mughal era, the illustrations on the temple walls in the Northern region were imminent.

  In the Medieval age, during the rise of Bhakti Movement, illustrations were found accompanying texts that supported the Vaishnava cult.

  Following the Medieval period, since the early days of printing, illustrations have accompanied written texts in the newspapers and magazines. During the independence struggle, several home grown publishing houses, depended on the power of illustrations to add dynamism to the written texts of patriotism.

The Styles of Illustration

    There are several styles of illustrations. The ones for children or the ones used for arts and crafts are prevalent. The other forms that are practised include:

  • Art Deco
  • Expressionism
  • Romanticism
  • Realism
  • Gothic
  • Surrealism
  • Punk
  • Comic
  • Caricatures
  • Post-modern illustrations
  • Digital

Is Illustration Considered Fine Art?

   An illustration is seen as an explanation of an idea, and hence people do not view it as a fine art. Fine art is an approach that creates thoughts and raises questions. However, these petty differences cannot deny the fact that any art is supreme.

  The illustration is a more freeing art form, something that a common man can appreciate and enjoy without much examination of the minute details. Illustrators require high levels of skill and vision and a signature style. Several talented and young Indians embracing this art form are on the rise.

  In the recent years, corporate houses have supported this type of art, in accommodating them in their spaces. There are several platforms including the virtual ones and flea markets that bring this kind of art to the masses. Illustrations are the objet d’art that is an aesthetic collectable for a common man.

LSI Keywords: work of art, drawing, painting, plain sketch, fine art, illustrations in comic books, pen and ink, watercolours, wood engraving, illustrations for children, collectable for a common man.


Illustrations = Art? Yes, Indeed (Rank Princess – SEO)

Why would buying a comic book cover illustration be any lesser than getting a reproduction of a famous painting? What is modern and tacky may very well be cherished memorabilia with time. Postergully thinks over this difference.

Any art gallery worth its salt will have a corner shop with reproductions and posters of the art hung willy-nilly on its walls. That’s the butter on the bread, for those who have yet to figure out why. Get impressed by the psychotropic blazing of colour on that wall? Buy a copy at the annexe.

But here’s the thing, why would an illustration be any less than high art? Would a Will Eisner cover of the Spirit comic be any lesser than a painting by KG Subramanyan? Or a Frank Miller cover of Dark Horse be a sullying factor if it stood next to a Goya masterpiece?

Illustrations Got Them Fame

Some of the world’s greatest painters and artists delved into illustrations to express their vision to the world. Take Salvador Dali, for example. In a pinch, his paintings are enough to motivate art lovers to pitch puppies into hot water. The artist created some of the most profound art via the medium of illustrations. Take ‘Les Diners de Gala’, a cookbook which Dali graced by illustrating. The illustrations of food, done by the master of the surrealist art, have layers of meaning unto themselves.

Or, Norman Rockwell, one of America’s most famous and revered artists. Bestowed with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Rockwell did hundreds of illustrations for magazines such as Life, Literary Digest, The Saturday Evening Post and Country Gentleman.

Even Satyajit Ray, Andy Warhol and Amrita Shergill for that matter. But we know the tree we’re hacking away.

Coming Back To Modern Material, Comics

Some of the most enduring art has come forward via the medium of comics and t-shirt ideas. Take the comic book Iron Man issue #128 aka ‘Demon In A Bottle’. Bob Layton’s cover gives a heart-rending synopsis of the whole story in a single picture.

So why can’t a chibi drawing of Deadpool as a laptop cover be the expression of fine art, if not High Art? Or a creative imagining of roly-poly pandas as wontons on a mouse pad cover be even a shade lesser than a framed canvas of an MF Hussain?

We’re pushing the envelope here, but so did all the names mentioned above.

Postergully – The Rebel in Prints, Canvas and Sofa Covers

When Banksy made walls and underpasses into famous art landmarks, why the raised eyebrows at art on a phone cover? Or a t-shirt or a tote-bag, for that matter?

Postergully makes bringing art to daily life its mission. In as creative ways as possible, and in various media – all to provide that extra spark in the daily drudge. Illustrations as High Art can be discussed ad nauseam, but as a way of bringing a little bit of fantasy and dreamland, nothing even comes close.

LSI keywords-

High Art

Chibi drawing


Surrealist art

Illustrations as High Art


Fintech trends in India Today – Fintech Shows Early Signs of Recovery After a Slow 2016

We’re five months into 2017 and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious Demonetization move in the second last month of 2016 has had a tremendous impact on Financial Technology in India.

 So much so that the development of FinTech has seen unprecedented growth in the last couple of months, and Fintech start-ups are busy making hay while the sun is shining.

According to a report published by Professional Services major KPMG, investment in the sector declined to $216 million in 2016 from a whopping $1.6 billion in 2015. The Global Fintech sector may have shown signs of slowing in 2016, fast forward to 2017 and things are only looking up for this sector.

Let’s have a look at what’s happening in the FinTech space in India today:

  • Peer-to-Peer Lending:

Peer-to-peer lending, also known as P2P lending, is a trend to watch out for in 2017. Simply put, P2P lending is a win-win situation for both lenders and borrowers – lenders usually earn high returns compared to those offered by traditional financial institutions and borrowers stand a chance to borrow money at interest rates that are typically lower than those offered by banks.

A hugely unregulated sector, with as many as 30 peer-to-peer-lending agencies operating out of the country including Lendbox and Lendenclub. P2P lending is on the rise – quite a huge number of borrowers who didn’t qualify for a loan from the banks avail this platform.

  • Cryptocurrency:

Cryptocurrency is just like your traditional currency with the difference that it uses cryptography for securing your transactions, and it also controls the creation of new money. In simple layman terms, it may be referred to as digital currency.

Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency to have been ever created enjoys unparalleled popularity even as many cryptocurrencies like Zebpay, Coinsecure, and Unocoin have emerged over the years. Today, One Bitcoin equals 113458.92 Indian Rupee and continues to grow in value.

However, it is worth noting that it is a currency that is highly volatile – Mark Thomas Williams, popularly known as Professor Bitcoin, who is a member of Boston University’s faculty, suggests Bitcoin is seven times more unstable than gold and eighteen times shakier than the US dollar!

  • Social Media:

India is a huge market for Social Media giants owing to its huge population base. Tech-savvy Indians, be it buying groceries or making bank payments, prefer doing things online. This has prompted most service providers to have their Social Media channels to broaden their customer base and keep the existing clients engaged.

 FinTech companies are no different – they are using Social media like never before, so much so that a new term named “Fintech Marketing” has emerged.

Fintech companies see Social media as a way of communicating with prospective clients, thereby facilitating them to understand customer behavior and preferences which would help them in selling the right product.

Profit book, a simplified and robust cloud accounting software that has proven to be increasingly popular among small organizations to create invoices, for tax calculation and tracking inventory, for instance, has its own Facebook and Twitter handle to connect with people at another level altogether.

2017 looks to be a promising year for the Global Fintech sector – more so for India and Demonetization is only going to accelerate Fintech’s growth. Cash crunch forced your friendly neighborhood tea and vegetable vendor to look beyond printed money and accept e-payments. We’re soon gearing up for a truly digital India, aren’t we?  

LSI Keywords: FinTech, Cryptocurrency, P2P lending, Bitcoin, digital currency



2017 and the Expected Changes in Fintech Trends in India

Fintech, as a term, has changed meanings over the past decade. Defined only by the back-end technology at a time, today, Fintech includes all technological innovations in consumer & finance sectors.

At present in India, the financial sector is going through what may be chalked up as a mini-revolution in hindsight. With a moderately successful demonetization episode followed by the efforts to switch to a cashless economy ruled by digital transactions, the Indian Fintech space has grown to a position of improved significance.

Look at these few changes that 2017 may introduce around the Fintech space in India, given the changing economic scene in the country.

  1. Innovations Related to Digital Payment Systems

Demonetization pushed the already existing yet seldom used digital transactions into a new zone where it became an object of necessity and comfort. A new generation of applications supporting the same came out.

The ecosystem of online transactions is now more productive, inclusive, faster, and easier to use. However, a single digital wallet or operating system is soon to be a thing of the past.

Start-ups in 2017 could be seen trying to work with the consumers, seeking their imagination to improve the service, and introducing innovations to solve the niche and precise issues of digital payment.

  1. Blockchain Support

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology have been buzzwords for a few years now. As of now, Blockchain looks like the newest toy in the class, one that has numerous applications, incredible prospects and promises, and is primed for high acceptance.

World Economic Forum has reported an over 80 percent of banks that are willing to and working towards beginning one or the other kind of Blockchain project by 2017. In India, as RBI is considering using Blockchain tech to mitigate cheque fraud, over 90 central banks want in on the tech as well.

Blockchain technology offers operational simplicity. It could help reduce risk, settlement time, and fraud. It could contribute to improving capital and liquidity. Since the potential is immense, 2017 could see many innovations that use this technology.

  1. The Rise of Cryptocurrency

There has been quite a ruckus in India about the security concerns, especially in the financial sectors. Quite a few cyber-attacks in the past year, while not directed at the online transactional division, gave clear warnings regarding the stability of the same.

Cryptocurrency offers immunity from many prominent security concerns that surround the modern digital payment modes prevalent in India.

Bitcoins, an example of cryptocurrency, was seen attracting savings and investment enthusiast in the first quarter of 2017. However, it is a long way from constructing its market in the Indian subcontinent.

  1. Newer Lending Models

Financial inclusions and the availability of loan services to all, as prevails in the traditional banks, are riddled with loopholes. Fintech enterprises have worked to deal with these.

2017 can bring new lending models to the market via the Fintech companies. The reason behind it is RBI’s changing perspective towards the sector and its relaxing reservations towards it. The idea of a democratic financial service industry and exponential growth also aid the evolution of this scenario.


It Could Be an Exciting Year for Fintech Sector

The forecasts are numerous. You just read four, and the industry is brimming with hundred other ideas about how Fintech will carve a whole new space for its foundations this year. It will sure be exciting to see how these forecasts get manifested, evolve, or change into something entirely different than what is anticipated at present.


LSI: consumer & finance sectors, Indian Fintech space, cryptocurrency Blockchain technology, Fintech enterprises, Fintech companies, financial service industry, Blockchain technology.


A Distressed Man’s Guide to Online Loans

The Internet is not the future. It is the present; it’s already here. And like most services, borrowing and lending money have moved online as well. So now you can borrow money to fund that very good idea of yours, without ever having to leave the couch.

We spend ages planning for our lives but realize life had other plans in store for us. Be it an emergency, a new idea or a sudden commitment, the need for money doesn’t always come announced. Time to visit the bank for a loan, right? Maybe not!

About Online Borrowing

Though most services we avail have moved to the web, borrowing funds hadn’t received the spotlight, it deserves until very recently. So, how do online loans work and how are they any different (or better) than traditional bank loans? Read on to find out.

Online loans focus on providing customers loans without any of the hassle associated with bank loans and at their conveniences. Before we dive deeper into the benefits and possible drawbacks of online borrowing, it’s important to know the various means of acquiring a loan on the web.

Fantastic Loans and Where to Find Them

When we talk about online borrowing here, we don’t mean applying for bank loans online. This is because you’d still have to wait for your loan application clearance and possibly visit the bank at some point. So not as convenient as the alternatives.

Online borrowing and lending began with peer-to-peer lending. As the name suggests, these are services where both borrowers and lenders (essential investors) sign up and interact. The borrower states his needs, and the lenders assess the creditworthiness of the borrower and extend loans for an agreed interest rate.

But what started off like eBay for borrowing as evolved into a much more organized platform. Individual lenders have been replaced by large financial organizations, and all the verification processes moved to the background, making the process seamless.

Here’s How To

To get a loan, you need a decent CIBIL score and… that’s it! The process itself is as easy as buying something online.

So just visit a lending service that best meets your needs, and registers with that service by providing all the necessary details.

Once that’s done, state the amount you’d like to borrow and the time frame. And as cliché, as it might sound, Voila! You’re done.

The Good, Bad and the Ugly

There are many reasons to consider online loan services. For starters, they’re quick and convenient. The approval process is instantaneous, and the interest rates are often lower too.

The loans offered online are unsecured and thus do not require any form of collateral or security.

If we had to state any downsides, it would be that one that applies to everything online: online scams and fraud. So research your lender well to avoid being mugged.


So this sums up our guide to borrowing funds online. 2Before you plunge. We would advise you to thoroughly research the services from multiple sources and strictly avoid services which demand an upfront payment. With these guidelines in mind, we wish you the very best of luck and hope you accomplish whatever it is you need funding for.


LSI Keywords

How to borrow online

Online borrowing guide

Borrowing funds online

Peer to peer lending

Online loan services



Everything You Need To Know About Borrowing Funds Online

Borrowing Money

Barely a handful of members in our country may not be familiar with this term in their lifetime. But not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Taking a loan to complete some of our goals, big or small, is something most of us have to do at some point in our lives.

Rising technology has changed how several things work in the lending industry. Online aggregators like help customers zero in on the cheapest loan and banks quickly approve the same.

The personal loan facility from HDFC Bank, for example, takes just seconds to approve a loan to its net banking customers. It certainly saves time and is better than going to a bank.

Sure, the internet has “changed the game” when it comes to getting a loan online, but the basic rules stay the same regardless of online or offline.

Let us not bankrupt our today by paying interest on the regrets of yesterday and by borrowing funds in advance to increase the troubles of tomorrow. Regardless, these are three primary ways to get money online :

  • Borrow Funds Online Via Payday Loans

Websites like or offer very short-term loans for small amounts. The idea is, if you only need the money to last you till your next paycheck, then you don’t need complicated big amount loans that may take a few days to process. Instead, you can opt for small loans from $100 to $1500, depending on your state, that you can repay in 7-30 days.

Payday loans are an effective way of quickly obtaining funds online without asking someone money or approaching money lenders but at the same time keeping yourself unburdened by a hefty loan amount that you don’t necessarily need.

  • Take A Short-Term or Title Loan

Depending on your requirements, payday loans may not offer you with enough money in the bank. At such times, a short-term loan is preferable.

Websites like or offer loans of $1000 to $5000 over a variable period depending on terms and your state. This way, you can get more money than a payday loan can provide but still, have less tenure than a typical long-term loan.

If you own a car, then you can go for auto title loan like or where you can take a loan against your car for lower interest rates. Thus you get finance as well as retain the full use of your vehicle as you pay off the loan. 

  • Take a Long-Term Personal Loan

Finally, you can raise funds online by taking a personal loan. If you can wait a few days for the money, many online lenders offer personal loans that are approved within a few days at most.

The requirements for such loans are quite strict on the other forms mentioned above, but they also offer much higher loan amounts in return along with2 longer tenures and lower interest rates.

Websites like or offer loans up to $50,000 depending on your credit score among other things. These loans can be approved within three days. 

If you want to compare the terms and rates of different websites at once then, can help you get many personalized loan suggestions based on your location to obtain online finance.

LSI Keywords-

Primary keyword- Borrowing funds online

Variants-  Acquire money online, Obtaining funds online, get money online



5 Ways To Get More Customers For Your Startup On A Shoestring Budget?

Sharks of the pond like Flipkart, Paytm and many others were never always the epitomes in the startup hall of fame. They were mere ideas pondered by a visionary mind. The shape that these remarkable startups took later is a result of careful management of resources and planning.

The early stage of a budding startup is crucial. The goals, strategies, planning and coordination need to be in alignment to hit the target.

Starting one’s own venture is often a long-term or even lifetime aspiration, and therefore it is essential to plan the finances efficiently, specifically in the beginning where the risk-return ratio rests more in the former’s side.

So, here are five cheap advertising ideas that one can take to build the consumer empire in a newbie startup.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads

Anyone in the virtual commerce sector is well aware of Google Business Accounts. Both Google and Bing let businesses space to place their ads on their search engines result pages.

As the business, you’re supposed to pay every time someone clicks on your ad and effectively lands on your website. The cost depends on the keyword you place with popular keywords costing more.

For this promotional tactic, SEO optimization of your website content is important. The keywords input by a surfer should easily pick up your website content.

PPC Ads are a flexible method of promoting one’s startup. Newbie startups must start off with lower budgets to experiment and analyze the result.

Content-Centric Email Campaigns

Email-marketing is a useful way of promotion. Every business must have an email list of prospective consumers. People join the list because they want to hear more from you.

Thus, new startups with fewer subscribers should hire free services provided by MailChimp and other similar service providers who offer free services to businesses with less than 2000 subscribers.

The emails also shouldn’t contain bland content. They must be of relevance to hold the attention of the consumer.

Exploring Local Networking Events and Startup Conventions

One of the classic and essential promotional tactics is meeting people.

Attending startup conventions and local events organized to connect peers of the industry is a sure shot way to get more people to know your product.

Collaborations and Guest Posts on Popular Sites

Posting as a guest on a popular niche site and spreading the informational content of your product can help you reach whole new audiences and prospect customer segments.

Collaborating with popular YouTubers or sponsoring a cause that is connected to your target community or venturing with other startups can help you gather popularity for your product.

Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Customers tend to place more faith in a fellow customer than a seller.

A good tip could be to highlight the positive experiences of your old customers on your website to build the trust and confidence in new consumers.

Document the honest testimonials and reviews of the consumers. Highlight the improvements you made to fit the consumers’ needs and expectations.


LSI Keywords – budding startups, newbie startups, promoting your startup, cheap advertising ideas



5 Ways To Get More Customers For Your Start-Up On A Shoe-String Budget

This is for those of you who have just begun, who have embarked upon one of the biggest journeys in life – developing a start-up to point of seeing it flourish.

Even if you are running low on capital, the following approaches can help shape your company’s future if you can handle it all smartly. The basic premise is to let the captive audience know that you have got exactly what it needs.

Make your customers aware by-

  1. Spreading The Word (By Mouth Or By Handouts) – Begin Communication With Your Existing Network

That includes your friends, relatives, or acquaintances to initiate the process of building a rapport. As you become more confident, you can ask your investors to campaign about your fresh venture. Investors are usually well-equipped with deeply inter-connected networks. Just know that they are reaching out to the relevant base.

About 90{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of people respond to a product based on a recommendation. That is a huge percentage, to begin with.

  1. Availing Social Media For Online Advertising

The CEO of a blog named Chargify, Lance Walley had struck up an acquaintance with a motorist via Twitter and eventually with reference, Mark Cuban, the owner of Dallas Mavericks of the NBA, became a leading investor of his blog. This is how you take charge.

Currently, social networking pages offer options for rotational promotions for a minimum fee. If you don’t like investing in hard copies (flyers and handouts I mean), this is what you can opt for.

You could also start blogging your way into the minds of your target network. Your product should stand out of the rut. This is also known as transparency marketing. You could give a complete step-by-step breakdown of your expense-to-remuneration formula just like Buffer. You need not be a professional writer but simply need a comprehensive technical content, just to rub in the point.

  1. Giveaways To Offer

It could be a gift on purchase given away to the first thousand customers. Start-up agencies of software programs swear by the ‘free trial’ approach saving up the better features for the paid version.

Take Kaspersky antivirus for instance: they have free antivirus protection but the internet security and online payment security options they keep for premium software.

But make sure these are limited opportunities. The golden rule of marketing to abide by here is, scarcity raises the demands. To add to that should be the quality of your product. A great deal of credibility of a service is expected of any start-up in this era of fierce competition. If you fail to deliver, the popularity will be short-lived.

Consumable product-based companies swear by the rule of freebies. Discount coupons, first few pieces sold for free— all these motivate the customers to come to you. The buyers must feel rewarded while availing of your offerings. That is the key.

  1. Availing The Host-Beneficiary Partnership With Recognized Businesses

This method is rarely-used but facilitates your income by exposing you to a huge arena of prospects loyal to an ongoing business that has similar targets to yours. This collaborative approach benefits both sides as the host (the larger company) is keen for goodwill uplift while you get your target audience too.

It is not expensive at all. To provide an instance, a famous boutique company struck up such a deal with the famed BMW for a free giveaway of their silk kimonos to loyal customers of a local BMW store.

Over 600 such customers responded positively to this offer leading to the boutique generating a turnover of $240,000. They had spent just $9,600 as the capital. This is a sure-fire way to gain those first 100 customers that you’ve been hoping for.

The key is to know who all to target, have clarity in what you offer and provide value for money for the prospects. In addition, make sure that the customer base is solid and you in no way will tarnish the image of the host entrepreneur.

  1. Cold Emails And Calls

Admit it. You cannot help but go through some of those personalized messages from companies absolutely a stranger to you. More often than not, they seem to cater to your immediate requirements. This is currently a very popular way to intrigue people.

If done correctly, it helps build a personal rapport that could take you a long way ahead in doing business.

These are some of the cheaper ways to make your company heard. The beginning will be a struggle but hang in there, if your efforts are persistent and calculated, even a shoe-string budget cannot halt your company’s progress.

LSI keywords: developing a start-up, low on capital, investors to campaign, Distributing flyers, cold calls, cold emails, rotational promotions, host-beneficiary relationship, free trial, free gift on purchase, build a personal rapport.


How To Choose The Best Linux Server For Your Business?

There’s no doubt that over the past few years, the importance, and thus usage, of Linux servers have gone up manifold. There are lots of reasons for this, but we are not here to delve into why Linux has seen sudden growth over the past decade.

A brief recap, however: Linux is a free and open-source software operating system that is built around the Linux kernel.

A Linux server is a high-powered variant of this very same open-source operating system but is designed to handle more demanding work. This includes business applications like network and system administration, database management and web services.

But enough about the software! Most people will know and will have studied its foundation and uses at some point in their lives. There may be thousands of Linux desktops, but there are only a few dozen Linux servers to choose from.

So how does an enterprise go about selecting the best Linux server for its operations?

Why Linux Servers?

Servers operating with the Linux brand are more often than not chosen over other server operating systems as they provide more stability, security, and flexibility.

Should Be Well Known To IT Staff

Perhaps the most crucial factor for the best Linux server is to understand how well a company’s IT wing knows that particular model. One of the issues plaguing the current scenario is that there aren’t enough professionals with Linux experience going around, though the knowledge and expertise have gone up recently.

In this regard, there has been an increase in the number of Linux professionals who are being hired by companies, including the biggies in the industry. And the preference is staffers with some years of experience in the software.

But the situation is only going to get better with more acceptance of the fact that being someone with sound Linux knowledge has a good future ahead.

Lots Of Services

Many Linux companies nowadays provide services and support to businesses. This includes corporate support, professional certificates, staff certification, professional certification, hardware certification and automatic online updates. Knowing each one’s strengths and how they can fit into the policies and vision of your company is a good exercise.

Option To Test Various Servers

One of the best ways to get to know the best Linux server for your company is to test out various companies’ offerings. As mentioned above, this also gives your business the opportunity to gauge different operating systems with their requirements.

There could be situations where more than one seems optimum for your company’s build up, and that is when it comes down to the one which would help generate the maximum revenue.

About eSageIT

eSageIT is a web development & designing and SEO optimization company that also provides technical support for business IT and management IT services. To know more about their products and services, visit

LSI Keywords: Linux servers to choose from, optin for the best Linux server, choosing the optimum Linus server, best ways to get to know the best Linux server


Why fragmented, copied data is a problem in finance

The concept of Master Data Management isn’t something new, yet it is needed now more than ever. As marketers in the 21st century, there are a multitude of tools available to us.

These are the days when Machine Learning, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have reached a point where we can apply them on our data-sets.

We use them to manage messages across channels, find new prospects, study behavior of leads and even sell a lot better. I could go on to say that with the rise of Big Data, Business Intelligence isn’t a problem either.

The problem we face now is data. No, not a lack of it, but rather, too much of it – in too many places.

Data, and its fragmentation

Marketing trade has seen the rise of a lot of tools, such as Marketo, Salesforce, Demandbae, etc. They are what I call ‘purpose-built’ and have excellent stand-alone features. While they boast of having data management features, the ‘management’ only happens within the application.

The greater the number of tools, greater the problem of fragmentation. Data exists in too many places. The change in this data, when done in only one place, makes the entire database incomplete, inconsistent and disconnected.

Extend this across the number of applications used; we lose the ability to leverage all that we know about a channel, campaign or customer. This results in what I call ‘generalized’ offers, deteriorating customer satisfaction.

Loss of Consistency and Data Traps

Due to a limitation on the number of resources and historical development, data is fragmented across the entire database which creates ‘Bad-Data-Points’ as well as various data traps.

For example, the presence of typos in ‘zeroes’ in a series. Bad data can occur for a spread constructed by subtracting a two-time series that might be individually reasonable, yet constructed with methodologies that were inconsistent.


It’s also common that proxy spread index data is used for a particular spread, either because the data doesn’t exist, or the number of spreads is too great for the risk model to handle explicitly.

All of this results in a loss of consistency, resulting in business data getting ‘siloed,’ even if the employees are working efficiently.

Finance Operations

A recent report indicated that out of 380 CFOs, 90{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} are crippled with financial data. This results in delays for top management to make critical decisions.

Finance teams spend over 80{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of their time gathering the data and then cleaning it. However, they only get the remaining 20{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} to actually build strategies.

Finance needs operational support. Another thing it needs is less fragmentation and copied data. A copy results in old data being used again and again, which has the potential to increase losses and inaccuracies in the end product.

The Bottom Line

The data your company holds is exclusive your company. No other marketer or company can replicate it. That being said, you cannot overlook the importance of building a strategy that manages that data.

The end-to-end enterprise data has a lot of value and is pretty powerful in transforming the value you deliver to your customers.


Writer notes:

Pretty vast topic. Just tried to touch it, as this article is a sample. 🙂
