Copywriting Article (Content Princess)

10 Effective Tips To Write Solid Copy!

1. Exploit your product’s benefits.

Your product’s USP is what your customer looks for. What’s in it for them?

You need to able to successfully explain the value of your product in an article and why your customer should buy your product rather than other companies selling similar products.

Understanding your audience in relation to your product will determine how well you sell your product.

2. Find your competition’s weaknesses’.

There may be a hundred other companies on the market that sell almost the exact same product that you have.

Research your competition and find their weakness and put them into words.
You need to prove to your customers what it is that makes your product more desirable and not your competitions through justified comparisons.

3. Know your audience.

Before investing in ad space, make sure that you know your audience.
Your product is specific and most likely, so are your customers.

In order to reach out to the right audience, you need to know the types of people that are interested in your product through research.

Set up a basic profile of your targeted customer. This can be done by creating a demographic profile of your audience/customers, with the help of certain characteristics such as; gender, age, ethnicity, occupation, family status, and income.

4. What’s In It For Me?

As with everything else, you need to know what is in it for you. That will also motivate you sell better through your copy.

5. Address Your Audience Correctly.

The basic but most important tip is to remember who it is that you’re talking to and how your audience should be addressed.

You need to write in the second person throughout, using pronouns such as you, your, yours.

6. Understand your medium.

Apart from properly addressing your audience, you need to keep in mind the medium that you are going to post your copy to.

Each medium is unique and needs a particular written tone.

7. Don’t Over Explain.

As contradictory as it may sound, giving your audience unnecessary information will bore them, the last thing you want is to lose their attention.

Detail is key but providing too much detail loses the true essence of your copy, which is to interest your audience without giving away too much.

8. Include a call to action.

The purpose of your copy is to give your customers an invitation to contact you or your product, therefore, including a call to action is possibly the most important part of your ad.

9. Weigh The Odds.

False claims can expose you to unwanted lawsuits and where large companies may be able to cover their tracks; small independent businesses do not have the means to do so.

Therefore, it is important to be able to back up the claims you advertise.

10. Proofread.

The easiest way to lose customers is through poorly written copy.

Make sure that your copy has been proofread and is free from grammatical errors, and that it reads well.

A careless ad shows careless service; your audience will lose interest.


Strong Marriage Sample (Content Princess)

9 Signs That Show Your Marriage Will Last Forever

The eight letter word that keeps us all awake at night, marriage.

As with any other relationship, we are not handed a list of instructions while stepping into a marriage to tell us how it works.

No one can offer you a crystal ball which sees through to the future; however there are certain signs which prove your marriage is strong.

Here are nine signs that indicate your marriage will last forever:

1. You enjoy each other’s company

A relationship does not have to be all about romance. For a stable relationship to last, you should be able to have a good laugh together.

Treating your significant other to a date or simply trying new activities with them makes the foundation of your marriage stronger.

You learn new things in the presence of the person you love, all while having some light hearted fun.

2. You trust your spouse

Not being able to trust your partner at any stage of your relationship, leads to problems later on.

The key to a successful long-term relationship is not to hide things from one another. Being honest with your partner is.

3. You work as a team.

The factor that distinguishes marriage from other types of relationships is that marriage is a partnership.

Sharing your problems with your partner, be it financial or any other stress provoking issue, will make them feel like you are in it together.

4. You touch each other.

The role of intimacy is an element that should never be overlooked in a marriage.

The simple touch of a hand on the other’s leg or shoulder is more powerful than you think as it creates balance, and allows you share the one another’s positive energy.

5. You don’t hold on to things.

Keeping a grudge for too long is possibly the worst move in a relationship.
To understand that you can both make mistakes and move on from arguments as soon as possible proves your marriage may just be stronger than you think.

6. You express love via your body language.

As the saying goes, actions do speak louder than words, therefore, your body language will say “I love you” better than your words can.

Leaning on to your partner, kissing and even cuddling often shows your partner that you are responsive. You really do care.

7. You genuinely respect each other.

You are friends before anything else, which means that you like each other.

You can spend time with one another and value the others company.

8. You take his/her emotions as your own.

To be able to value your spouse’s emotions shows that you are there for them.

Empathizing with them helps to settle problems when they show up and reduce the chances of future issues.

9. You know how to patch up!

Making up is not just pushing down your problems because this does not tackle them.

The way you can come together after an argument and understand the issues which have been brought to surface prove your relationship is stable.


Sample Article On Relationships (Rank Princess)

Unhealthy and Irrational – Bidding Adieu to your relationship

Human relationships can be pure bliss when everything seems perfect.
On the other hand, it can get complicated when you tend to question yourself.

When relationships get unhealthy, they tend to affect every aspect of your life and this rule applies to every person. Every person needs to work on their relationship as there are two different individuals involved and when the relationship gets toxic, one needs to draw the line.

So, when does one do it?

When does a person say that he has had enough and needed to move on?
Sometimes it is tough for couples to admit that they are in an unhealthy relationship. They do everything that they can to get their relationship working again.

Admitting problems, seeking help from others and acknowledging the initial signs of an unhealthy relationship are key to resolving issues and regaining peace of mind.

These signs are a reminder to any couple whose relationship is no longer working or if they need to relook at some aspects of their love life.

Let’s see what these are:


One needs to trust their partner implicitly.

If there are constant occurrences of one checking the other’s email accounts or chat messages and then blaming them, it is indeed a sign of a cracked relationship.

Insufficient quality time together

When your partner seems to be spending time with his or her buddies every weekend, there seems to be some issue cringing.

Physical or verbal abuse

Abuse of any kind affects a person physically and mentally, and this is an alarming sign to let you know that your partner is an absolute misfit for you.

Everyday fights

Every couple argues and fights, but when you see that your fights are not stopping, and happening over the smallest of things, it is a sign that your relationship is heading towards the red zone.

Lack of transparency

There are times when you don’t want to tell your partner everything.

However, it is essential to have an open relationship where you communicate the key things.

One sided affair

To create a strong foundation of a healthy relationship both partners have to build blocks by mutually supporting and trusting each other.

A relationship is bound to go kaput if there’s only one partner putting in all the effort.

Lack of respect

Both partners need to respect each other for who they are and when this goes missing, it means that either the partner does not value you or doesn’t support the beliefs that you have.

One cannot just live in love if there is mutual respect missing.

Lack of physical intimacy

Physical intimacy combined with emotional love is very important for a healthy relation. The absence of any of this shows that the relationship is futile and lifeless.

Trying to fix your personality

There are couples who want to change each other’s behavior, style, personality, etc. And by doing this, they are looking for ways to fix their partner. This shows that the relationship is void of respect for each other.


Diet Sample Article (Rank Princess)

The Importance of a Gluten-free diet in your daily life

A Gluten free diet has grown to become a popular trend in today’s living and is considered as a healthy eating pattern by people all over the world.

It has gained a remarkable following in the last decade especially by people who have been diagnosed with Celiac disease that causes difficulty in digesting food.

The Truth about a Gluten free diet

Gluten free products are slowly making way into the market and consumers who aren’t diagnosed with Celiac disease are also buying these products.

Many consumers believe that a gluten free diet is better and a healthier option in today’s fast-paced lives.

So, what exactly is the Celiac disease and why being gluten free is considered a means to keep this disease in control?

Celiac does not have any major symptoms, and the only way to detect is through blood tests.

Why should you go gluten-free?

A Gluten free diet is advised for people who have the celiac disease, and they need to avoid foods containing gluten.

This fad has somehow caught on to the non-sufferers of this disease who consider it as a healthy option and a way to lose weight.

Foods such as wheat bran, barley, rye, flour, and oats need to be avoided in this diet whereas soy, potato, tapioca, beans and quinoa are considered gluten free and hence encouraged.

These foods are healthy, and many Celiac-free people have felt better by following this diet as well.

Many people aren’t aware that these foods can be pretty high in calories, fats and, carbohydrates, and the myth of weight loss may not necessarily be true for this diet.

Is the Gluten free diet a healthy option?

It is indeed a healthy option for people suffering from the celiac disease or for people who are gluten sensitive.

Quinoa, millet, and amaranth are healthy, tasty options and smart choices for everyone.

Gluten free flours too are made from these grains and are healthier options as compared to white flour or bleached flour.

For a person who isn’t suffering from this disease going completely, gluten free could mean the possibility of eliminating essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals required in their daily diet. It may not necessarily lead to weight loss by consuming gluten free foods.

Tips to incorporate a Gluten free diet

These are a few tips that could go a long way for people who want to be in good health and live a gluten-free life:

• One has to start reading labels on food products.

• Start incorporating gluten-free alternatives such as fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, poultry, fish and eggs which can be easily eaten with most meals.

• Gluten free grains too are popular and can be included in one’s main meals. These grains include quinoa, millet, and amaranth which are essential for a healthy life.

• For people who love their spirits; wine, cider, sherry is a better option as compared to beer, lager and stout which contain a significant amount of gluten.

A Gluten free menu is a good option for everyday meals as well as for maintaining one’s health.


Cloud Security SEO Sample (Rank Princess)

Security Issues Inhibiting the Growth of Cloud Computing

Reports of breaches in cloud computing security have developed a dark cloud over the growth of cloud computing.

Worries about security issues have kept the rate of adoption of cloud computing considerably low.

Cloud computing is a new technology

Cloud computing is a new technology in the field of IT.

This technology uses the Internet to share resources and information instead of using local servers and personal devices.
It promises global exposure to small and medium-sized companies desiring to make a mark in the global market. Cloud service providers offer flexible yet cheaper alternatives to many problems.

Beneficial to businesses

Cloud storage can be beneficial to companies as it involves reduced operating expenses as compared to traditional computing. The implementation of the cloud platform complements growth with innovation.

Even companies with a small budget can develop extraordinary business agility through cloud computing.

Security issues hampering the cloud market’s growth

Instances of shortfalls in cloud computing security of many cloud service providers have generated questions regarding cloud computing risks.

Fear about the security of the data stored in cloud storage is inhibiting the growth of cloud computing.

Almost half the companies globally are ready to embrace cloud computing if they are assured of air tight security.

Types of clouds and deployment models

There are three types of cloud services provided to clients by cloud service providers namely, SaaS or Software as a Service, PaaS or Platform as a Service, and IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service.

There are different deployment models for cloud computing – private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud.

Security risks associated with these deployment models

The security risks that hamper the growth of cloud computing vary with each model.

In the private cloud deployment model, the security risk is the least as the cloud is owned by the company and the functionality is not divulged to customers.

The public cloud deployment model involves some additional risk factors due to the sharing model.

The third model or the hybrid cloud is the riskiest one. This model uses both, the private and public cloud to provide customized and enhances services to companies worldwide.

The major threats inhibiting the growth of cloud computing:

• Immoral or disreputable use of cloud computing.

• Programming interfaces with inherent security lapses.

• Insiders wicked enough to compromise the security system for vested interests hinder the growth of cloud computing.

• Defenselessness arising from the use of shared technology.

• Security issues resulting from traffic and service hijacking also hinder the growth of cloud computing.

Steps to win trust for combating cloud computing risks

To fight the issues obstructing the growth of cloud computing, cloud service providers need to win the trust of their clients.

The following security measures can develop a certain minimal level of trust and promote growth in cloud computing:

• The use of SSL or Secure Socket Layer.

• The use of digital signatures.

• The formation of strict authentication protocols.

• The use of access control methods for dealing with authorization.

If security issues are handled with care and utmost efficiency, the fear associated with the cloud can be reduced to an extent, clients will feel more comfortable opting for your cloud services.

Primary keyword – growth of cloud computing

LSI keywords – cloud computing, cloud computing security, security issues, growth in cloud computing, cloud computing market, cloud storage, cloud service providers, cloud computing risks, cloud platform, cloud services, security risks, security lapses.


Big Data SEO Sample (Rank Princess)

Do Big Data and Data Analytics Outweigh Standard Human Judgment?

Big Data or a large mass of complex, diverse, heterogeneous information; challenges traditional data processing methods. As a result, it questions the capability of human judgment to analyze a large body of data.

So, do Big Data and Data Analytics outweigh standard human judgment?

Some of the applications of Big Data in daily life:

• Predictions made by Google while searching for things using the search engine. Google analyzes the accumulated data based on the previous queries on similar subjects.

• Intimations from debit/credit card companies about unsolicited activities based on findings from millions of transactions every day.

• Different companies take online surveys for gathering data about their clients. The resulting data is used to predict customer requirements.

• Data analytics based on the medical history of patients can help doctors in predicting patients’ responses’ to drugs and aid in finding possible cures to diseases.

Impossible for humans to process Big Data manually

Judgment making abilities of human beings are inadequate to deal with Big Data. Information of such an enormous size and complexity cannot be analyzed by our brains.

Helping people make more informed decisions

Human beings may be inefficient in analyzing Big Data but the outcomes of data analytics by computers can help them achieve meaningful conclusions.

The development of algorithms for advanced data analytics is likely to lead to social, economic and political development.

Benefiting people through Big Data

• The Management of organizations’ could become more transparent and increase workforce efficiency.

• Data analytics will offer a greater scope for performance-related experiments.

• Categorization of a population for customized results.

• Automated algorithms for effective inferences.

• Customized services will increase profitability in business.

Some drawbacks of Big Data and data analytics

Too much dependence on Big Data can lead to false confidence leading to errors in judgment. Ruling out human judgmental powers will allow powerful people manipulate findings and satisfy their interests.

Dealing with data analytics in a positive manner

In today’s world, it is beyond doubt that we need computer-generated data analytics for processing of large information. That does not necessarily mean a complete elimination of the standard judgment skills of human beings.

Data analytics and human judgment should complement each other

The results from analytics can complement human judgment for making important decisions. This realization has inspired multiple scientists across the world to look for new methods of data analytics for quick effective results.

Need for storing large data

Effective storage and data processing of Big Data can generate wonderful results.

Data processing can help determine the causes of failures. It can help identify defects. It can increase business by analyzing buying habits of customers. It can also help organizations detect fraudulent behavior.

In order to get important results and their subsequent utilization, there cannot be a rivalry between Big Data, data analytics, and standard human judgment.

Making do without any kind of human judgment is currently out of the question. Ruling out standard judgment can create misleading conclusions.

On the other hand, data analytics and human judgment can together reap beneficial results.

Primary keyword – Big Data

LSI keywords – data analytics, analytics, analyzing, human judgment, judgment skills, judgment making, data processing, judgment, advanced data analytics, judgmental powers, standard judgment.


News Rewrite (Rank Princess)

Pachauri Case: Is It The Beginning Of Gender Equality At The Workplace?

From sensitivity to sensationalism, the RK Pachauri case has been a potboiler of sorts. But it has very rightfully highlighted the issue of high-profile gender injustice. It will go a long way in establishing gender equality in the workplace!

Sexual Harassment Charges Against RK Pachauri; Salute To The Whistleblowers!

RK Pachauri had been heading TERI (The Energy and Research Institute) since 1982. In 2016, two women employees cried foul play. The alleged sexual harassment charges against the invincible Pachauri brought him in the eye of the storm.

No doubt, it takes guts to be the whistleblower. Moreover, when the victim picks up cudgels against a high-profile perpetrator of crime.

After that, a few recent developments, in this case, have made it all the more an eyeball catching high octane drama.

Sequence of events that made the RK Pachauri case controversial:

The RK Pachauri case snowballed into a controversial boulder over time. This is how things unfolded:

 A woman employee alleged sexual harassment against RK Pachauri.
 Even as this case was sub judice, TERI controversially promoted RK Pachauri to the post of a Chairman. It technically meant that Pachauri would deliberate on his case.
 There was a widespread public outcry in full media glare. Anyone could smell foul play from this act of brazenness!
 Even women’s rights organizations joined hands with the media.
 In the meantime, another female employee alleged sexual harassment against RK Pachauri.

All this worked against the already bleeding reputation of TERI as well as its Chairman RK Pachauri.

TERI’s Panic-driven Damage Control

The biggest folly of the institute lay in promoting Pachauri. So, it had to do some damage control.

The Governing Council of TERI, therefore, asked RK Pachauri to go on an indefinite leave. It was done to try and patch their already tarnished reputation.

While this was more of a whitewashing effort, it helped the victims passively. It strengthened their stand. It was also a baby step against gender injustice and sex crimes at the workplace.

Damage Control Consolidation By The Governing Council of TERI

The Governing Council took quick decisions which were actually for the female workforce. These were:

 The Governing Council of TERI sent RK Pachauri on an indefinite leave.
 Pachauri was also banned from all TERI organizations pending final decision on the sexual harassment charges leveled against hi.
 It then consolidated this step by appointing Ashok Chawla as the new Chairman.
 Chawla was the former Union Finance Secretary and the former Chairman of the Competition Commission. He has a clean, professional track record.
 The Council also issued an official statement. The statement proclaims its resolve to protect the rights and interests of its female employees.

Finally, justice is coming to play even though the law will take its own course.

The Governing Council has finally been bold enough in its ouster decision against Pachauri. Also, its statement about protecting the rights of its women employees is cautiously worded. It upholds the dignity of its female workforce.

It means a lot in an organization where 33{ed162fdde9fdc472551df9f31f04601345edf7e4eff6ea93114402690d8fa616} of the workforce is female. Also, 14 of their 30 directors are women.
Hopefully, this will be a positive step towards establishing and consolidating gender equality in the workplace.


Nexus 6p Review (Rank Princess)

Google Nexus 6p: The Best Nexus Is This Huawei Nexus In Android’s Smartphone Domain!

Now all you Android-Andersons and Google-Garrisons will get just what the doctor ordered. You have the perfect, synergized technological bonding of Google; this time with Huawei. And the result is the new Google Nexus 6p!

Google’s Nexus has been with many hardware partners. But in 2014, it came up with the premium smartphone range Google Nexus 6 with Motorola.

And then in 2015, came the better deal; viz. Google Nexus 6p with Huawei.

Price Downgrade And Technological Upgrade All Rolled Into One

Motorola’s Nexus 6 was a flagship-grade phone. But its high price didn’t gel with Motorola’s brand image.

You bet there is an aspiration value attached to the brand. So, a lower price tag was the need of the hour.

With Google’s Nexus 6p offering, the company has hit the bull’s eye. A lighter screen, lighter in overall weight, and an upgraded version of the operating system all rolled into one. You are sure to go and grab this new offering and feel you have got your money’s worth.

What Do You Need To Google About The Google Nexus 6p?

The Google Nexus 6p is any day a smarter choice even at a price tag of US$499, because:

 It nestles fat on the Android 6.0 Marshmallow; the latest in the confectionery range (KitKats, Lollipops, and Marshmallows) of Android software.
 Dual quad processors power the CPU. Quad-core 1.55 GHz Cortex-A53 and Quad-core 2.0 GHz Cortex-A57 give you the fastest gizmo without substantial battery drain.
 AMOLED display panels give you a unique display, beating all “I”-world wonders!
 The 12.3 MP camera, the laser autofocus and dual LED flash is a cinematography delight. Ditto with the 2160p picture-perfect video capture.
 With a Type C USB plug, charging and battery backup basics are well in place.
 With 3GB of RAM, you can choose from 32GB, 64GB or 128GB of storage options as per your usage.

So, you can go and grab your set now!

Hitches And Glitches In The 6p Pitches

There are a few hiccups in the technological wonderland here:

 The camera lacks OIS (Optical Image Stabilization); the very basic thing required to check blurring of images.
 Your affair with SD cards ends here. It has no external storage.
 Blame it on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 chipset; heating is of prime concern in spite of the speed and memory assets.
 And yes, all you radio buffs, please do not set your eyes on this set. In fact, this is the story of almost all high-end smartphones for reasons unknown.

Must Buy, But. Why?

More often than not, high-end smartphones do not have FM radio. Neither does this phone.

Next, the internal memory is up to 128 GB. So, the above cannot be a deterrent in your buying the phone.

This 5.7 inches display Android delight will give tough competition to any “I”-centric Apple device. The aluminum, graphite, and frost add color options to its enviable contours.

To add to this is the look of the part plastic and part metal body with a superb finish!

And yes, not to forget, pay for this gadget for being loyal to you. It has fingerprint sensors to recognize the user. It ensures security while making many operations a button’s click away!

The Ultimate Reality Check

However, before being Nexus 6p’d by Google, here is a reality check for you:

 The price is still very high.
 It comes down heavy, well literally, not just on your budget but also in your hands. The set weighs about 178 grams.
 Your smartphone is not smart enough to be used as a remote for ACs, TVs, etc. Alas! It has no infrared sensors.

The Bottom Line

Buy this smartphone coquet if you want to get a good processor experience with the best available Android software.

Finally, are you racing for speed? Are you on the lookout for looks? Are you an image buff longing for a long battery backup in smartphones? The Google Nexus 6p satiates your gadget and technological urges to the core.

Primary Keyword – Google Nexus 6p (used six times, once in the title, once in the excerpt, sub-heading, last round up paragraph and twice in the body of the matter)

LSI Keywords –

Variants – Google Nexus 6, Google’s Nexus 6p, Nexus 6p’d by Google (3 times)

Antonyms/ Synonyms – Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Dual Quad processors, “I”-world wonders, 5.7 inches display Android delight, “I”-centric Apple device, smartphone coquet. (6 times)


ADITI Web Content (Rank Princess)

(Rewrite of this website content page as a dummy piece. The company is NOT related to us in any way and this piece wasn’t ordered by them.)

ADITI: Pioneering in IoT Technologies

You have just opted to interact with a subsidiary of a Fortune 500 company. We are known to create a summarized, integrated cosmos for you in almost every walk of life. That is the beauty of ADITI, a part of HARMAN, the IoT (Internet Of Things) solutions wizard.

IoT Solutions: The Need Of The Hour

In today’s world, everything is interconnected. Take, for instance, your mobile phone. It is, no longer a fancy set to make and receive calls and SMSes. It is a mini world to act as a GPS, to surf the net, to do e-commerce business, to be active on social networking sites, etc.

Similarly, all other gadgets, systems, and businesses are increasingly becoming like a package. For example, proper sales coordination and inventory management can streamline the warehousing business. Here is where IoT comes to play.

At ADITI, you can be assured to get this connectivity with a plethora of technical, strategic and software interfaces.

ADITI: Not Just A World But An Experience Of IoT

For proper IoT, you need a smooth conduit of actions, systems, and processes. So, the interface is in a summarized, user-friendly form and the solutions are also very easy yet befitting.

We deliver this artistry of interconnection, thus making it an experience in itself rather than a conglomeration of boring processes.

Real Time Interconnectivity Is The Crux Of Our Line Of IoT Services

What you get is a complete package of our IoT services. You will encounter a pool of strategies, services, techniques, mechanisms and tools. For this, there is a systematic infrastructure build up, comprising of:

 Garnering and streamlining of data.
 Analyzing this data to study trends and potential.
 Forming strategy and creating a brand image to suit your customers’ demand and taste.
 Bringing strategy to action, backed by marketing and constant innovation.

The result is a synergized solution for you and your clients.

Extended Wings of IoT At ADITI?

You can make out the broad working domain you will get for yourself. ADITI operates to extend IoT services to diverse clients:

 Retail clients – The retail world would be lost in a perfect economy. We help you maintain and retain customer loyalty, reinforced by using technology to the advantage of the retailer.
 Agriculture – Farmers swear by our apps, data, and reports. This IoT service helps to get manifold returns on their harvest. It also works to figure out what to sow and how to do so to get the best yield.
 Healthcare – You need proper streamlining and coordination of many health care variables. ADITI enables this to realize your goal of quality patient care. This includes cost-effective handling of resources, real-time updates of patients’ health, monitoring hygiene conditions, integrating billing and other department information, etc. All these combine to ensure perfect IoT in Healthcare.
 Oil and Gas Industry – You can tap our immense IoT potential for working and maneuvering with the most important variables of this industry. These variables are worker safety, inventory control, supply chain management, asset management and capital investment strategy, etc.

This way, ADITI’s IoT services take almost all sectors in their ambit.

The ADITI Infrastructure

Here we are talking about:

 Shared processing and management of resources via cloud computing. It enables efficient monetizing via our propriety IoT.
 Using multiple apps and data points to get managed IT services.
 Using Windows Azure Infrastructure Services (WAIS) is a master stroke in IoT. What you get is a rock solid cloud computing foundation, powered by Microsoft Azure.
 Easy conversion of data using cloud automation, you simply get a smooth conversion of your personalized data environment to connected computing units and variables.

Finally, ADITI has a human angle too in its professionals working relentlessly. Our IoT solutions with a human angle make the automation and interconnectivity generated solutions very real and ready to implement.
